I’m not a vegan, but in excited by the idea of lab grown meat replacing traditional evil farming practices

  • @dev_null@lemmy.ml
    54 months ago

    Meat eaters don’t genuinely care about the ethics of meat. They give no shits about factory farming.

    I do and will switch to lab grown meat as soon as it’s available for ethical reasons. Clearly I’m not invested enough in the issue to go vegan, but I don’t think I’m alone here. I like meat. I can have meat without animals having to suffer? Sounds good to me, even if it’s more expensive.

    I think you stereotyping a bit. Everyday people don’t feel strongly about food in either direction, but if they see meat in a shop advertised as “no animal had to die for this”, many will think “that’s nice” and buy it.

    • 🦄🦄🦄
      34 months ago

      You are chosing pleasure over an animal not being stabbed in the neck. Don’t give in to the illusion of giving a shit. At least admit that you don’t. Have a fucking spine.

      • @dev_null@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        My point was many people would choose the more ethical option to get the same product, if one is available. As proven by various “green” options in other product categories being popular.

        I’m not sure what point are you trying to make now. It’s seems like some no true Scotsman.

        • 🦄🦄🦄
          14 months ago

          “I would stop sexually assaulting people if there was a more ethical option but sadly there isn’t, so I have to go on =(((”

          • @dev_null@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            Certainly an… unconventional example to apply it on, but you got the gist of the idea, yes.

            A less edgy example could be “I would buy drinks in a returnable glass bottle, but sadly everything is sold in disposable plastic bottles where I live, so I don’t have that option”. If you prefer such sexual examples, you do you.

            • 🦄🦄🦄
              4 months ago

              Nah, I like my analogy better, since it highlights the direct injustice done to the individual.

              The point is, you do have the choice to simply stop, you just don’t give a shit about animals, just like someone who values their sexual pleasure over the bodily autonomy of their victims doesn’t give a shit about them either.

              • @dev_null@lemmy.ml
                4 months ago

                Nah, I like my analogy better

                Cool! Anyway, your point is lab grown meat won’t be popular, my point is it will be. Now that your analogy helped you understand, I guess you agree with me now, since you are changing the topic to different points like “you do have the choice to simply stop”, which were never disputed.