• angelsomething
    74 months ago

    Because this raging economy is their pride? Or is it there ramping racism amongs its ranks? Or is it the overt corruption? Or their inaction against the obvious genocide in Gaza? Or the one in Yemen? Or is it the polluted rivers full of sewage? Or is their pride the fact that people can no longer afford to buy a home unless they get an inheritance? I don’t know man, maybe abolishing the non-dom tax stays could be just another humiliation for the sad sacks of spiderwebs that are the tories.

    • @HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
      4 months ago

      Ah you see. Non of those embarress tories, in the eye of people who give them lots of money.

      Non dom status is a huge asset to tory doners.

      And lers face it. Any talk about it will be about plans of they win the next election . Then after that election. Some economic disaster will mean now is not the time.

      Its just about trying to win a few votes.