• @sin_free_for_00_days
    21 year ago

    Oh dear. The Muskrat fanbois are showing up on Lemmy. We can do better than defend idiot billionaires who fleece the country. I don’t know that big steps like those mentioned in the article are any type of what we need. Of course, of course, our economic and political bullshit ties with fossil fuel is gross and needs to stop, but that type of whataboutism doesn’t make one right and the other wrong. They are both wrong.

    • @money_loo@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      Oh dear. This is a story about lack of government oversight using nepotism and progressive promises to fleece a state of their money and give it to a favored contractor.

      But you saw teslas name and musk is baaaaaaaad, so I guess that’s whataboutism to you because you lack critical thinking skills or some shit.

      I guarantee if the name of the company on the building was literally anything else. People would be mad at the state for embezzling money, and defrauding them with lies.

      ironic you call people muskrats when you’re the first to froth at the mouth at the sight of a dudes company or name, and drop all critical thinking skills.

      • @sin_free_for_00_days
        1 year ago

        LOL. Alrighty. It’s amazing that the second you saw that shithead’s name you had to white knight to his defense. A story about a company lying about promises to gain tax favors is suddenly only about gov’t malfeasance.

        I guarantee that if the name on the company was literally anything else. [sic] People would be mad about the lies and lack of promised follow-thru. See just about any report about how sports stadiums fleece gov’ts with the lack of economic pay off.

        Not ironic that you felt the need to jump to a billionaires defense when the name triggered your reactionary defense response. Great critical thinking skills on display.

        Edit: Blocked. I don’t have time or energy for shitheads on here.

        • @money_loo@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          Bro I was simply having a conversation about my feelings on green energy and the climate, and you jumped to name calling and insults while saying nothing about the topic. If you want to call me more names and then block me, Godspeed to you.