So I made a comment on worldnews criticizing Chinese activity in the south china sea and apparently got banned for it by the automod. This happen to anyone else? Is this Lemmy’s version of the need help post and the shape of things to come?

The instance I posted in was

  • cabbage
    7 months ago


    Lenin was a scholar and developed his own take on Marxism, which has its own understanding of the communist society. Marx wrote very little about what a communist society would look like, but he had an understanding of history as moving towards an end: The classes will fight, over time the result of this fight will lead to them approaching each other, and at the end of this struggle we will reach a classless society. This classless society is the communist society in a traditional Marxist sense.

    Lenin figured he’d make a shortcut to get there: Never mind thousands of years of class struggle, let’s just put in place a powerful ruling class imposing communism on everyone, designing a classless society from the top down. Which is a bit counter-intuitive, but the Leninist part of Marxism-Leninism basically boils down to trying to figure out what that could look like.

    So then you get the Soviet Union, very much founded on the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Today people who identify as Marxist-Leninist tend to not be the sharpest tools in the shed: Despite insisting that they have studied the texts carefully, a brief interaction with them reveals that they have never read neither Marx nor Lenin. What it boils down to, rather than anything theoretical, is either a longing for some imaginary version of the Soviet Union or a unshakable commitment to lick Putin’s ass.

    The Soviet Union of course never did become a classless society, so you could argue that the greatest achievement of Marxism-Leninism was to destroy the traditional meaning of communism in a Marxist sense.

      137 months ago

      Well said. The ML offshoot caused deaths of numerous communists and gave a reason to the red scare, harming the progress of Marxism for decades

      77 months ago

      Lenin figured he’d make a shortcut to get there: Never mind thousands of years of class struggle, let’s just put in place a powerful ruling class imposing communism on everyone, designing a classless society from the top down.

      I think Lenin missed the part where the powerful ruling class imposing something is the opposite of a classless society.

    • Jeena
      27 months ago

      To be fair, I downloaded Das Kapital once and started reading it, but after just one or two pages in this old German language it was just too difficult to follow so I gave up.

      17 months ago

      Marx actually did write quite a bit about revolutionary praxis. It’s actually what ends up renders his otherwise reasonable stuff about historical materialism down to modernist screed.