Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said policy differences toward Israel between her and President Biden won’t stop her from supporting him in the November general election.

“Of course,” Omar said Tuesday, when asked by CNN’s Abby Phillip on “NewsNight” whether she would vote for Biden if the election were held that day, in a clip highlighted by Mediaite. “Democracy is on the line, we are facing down fascism.”

“And I personally know what my life felt like having Trump as the president of this country, and I know what it felt like for my constituents, and for people around this country and around the world,” Omar continued. “We have to do everything that we can to make sure that does not happen to our country again.”

    147 months ago

    DNC conspiracy theory nonsense gets so tiresome. You had some legitimate grievances over what happened with Bernie, but not really in the recent primary. Unless you can name the challenger to Biden that was worth spending money holding the primary for.

    I sincerely hope the far left does fall in line with its own party eventually, with some voting reform we could make a multiparty system viable. For now though, much like in WW2, we have fascists to defeat. Regardless of how much liberals and communists may dislike each other, we are at least capable of civil cooperation.

    It’d just be nice if you stopped trying to attack all forms of liberalism so hard and take over the dem party just like MAGA took over the repubs. It won’t work on educated people in the same way fascism can convince the uneducated. We tend to know the difference between liberal and neo-liberal.

      47 months ago

      I mean you say ‘legitimate grievances’ then proceed to ignore what happened to NH.

      The reality of the situation that we’re all in is that oarty primaries are the only ‘real’ mechanism we get to engage with democracy in a material way, and time and time again the stewards of those parties are thumbing the scales towards specific outcomes.

      You acknowledge it, then dismiss it as ‘nonesense’. It’s not fucking nonsense. There is almost nothing ‘democratic’ about the DNCs primary process. If you run a competitive race but aren’t the predidermined party leadership acceptable candidate, they steal it from you, in fact, they’ll conspire to do so. If a state ‘votes wrong’, they take your primary from you. It’s material and real you chucklefuck and dismissing it trivializes the real consequences it has around voter disenfranchisement.

      If we consider the primary process to be a part of our political system, and we should because it is, the DNC is less democratic than some of the lowest ranking “democracies” in the planet. The RNC didn’t rig their primary to stop Trump. The DNC did so to stop Bernie, twice. And when a state which was one of the first in the nation primaries gave the primary to the non-dccc candidate, they took the primary away from that state.

      It’s an indefensible mockery of the word democracy to call the DNCs primary a democratic process

        57 months ago

        Conveniently skipped over where I asked someone, and anyone can do this, to name the viable leftist challenger in the recent NH primary, that would make holding it worthwhile.

        And really, can name a non-leftist challenger too if you want, if you really think Dean had a real shot or something.

        The degree of personal attacks and cherry-picked arguments in here is remarkable.

          17 months ago

          Oh stfu you pedant.

          You are dismissing the structural critique that makes your first point irrelevant.

          There are no viable challengers because the DNC has repeatedly changed the rules or moved the goal posts to prevent that from happening again.

            57 months ago

            Ah, more conspiracy theory. Bernie ran just fine. Twice. He’s not even a registered democrat. You got any evidence of the new rule that prevented it from happening this time, or just an anonymous claim on the internet?

    • the post of tom joad
      27 months ago

      DNC conspiracy theory nonsense gets so tiresome.

      From my perspective, it’s you guys who ennervate. Is there a point to reading any more of the couple a paragraphs or is it all pompous nonsense about how you ‘just know better’ without a shred of shame?

      Read something jackalope. And write something worth reading.

        • the post of tom joad
          27 months ago

          Hey, you can too! You shortened your ridiculous whining down to 2 sentences i can dismiss more quickly.

          Show me the meat in your argument and ill bite.

          Read your previous comment again and think of how else you might improve, professor

            • the post of tom joad
              7 months ago

              Youre right. I’m 45 and officially over your arrogant, empty words. You could have at any point attempted to argue a point but chose to act like a know it all instead (while providing nothing except vitriol.)

              which as you say is pretty effin’ childish.

              Make. A. Point. Or admit you have nothing but faith.

                • the post of tom joad
                  17 months ago

                  Thank you. I think when i get extra mad at kids i remind myself of my father.

                  He was an asshole when i was growing up and i learned real good how to make people feel small when they get big headed. If you are angry enough to keep replying like this i have succeeded in my estimation. Think about this discussion, cool off, and use this as opportunity for growth.


                    57 months ago

                    Yep, you probably want to block me too. That way I can reply to your posts as much as I want without you ever getting notified and being able to reply. lol

      27 months ago

      > like in WW2, we have fascists to defeat

      that’s what leftists are saying, and that’s why they are saying not to vote for democrats, too. it’s like you’re saying if we don’t vote for mussolini, we’ll get hitler. well i’m not voting for either of them.

        97 months ago

        Right, because the best way to fight fascists is to let them take over. Brilliant!

        Oh, and do you not think Omar and the rest of the squad leans left? Because she just said she plans to vote Biden. Or they just not progressive enough for you?

        • HACKthePRISONS
          27 months ago

          >Right, because the best way to fight fascists is to let them take over.

          you don’t seem to get that mussolini was a fascist too.

            97 months ago

            Yeah, he invented it. You equating Biden with Mussolini? Because I’m not seeing the hyper-nationalism, the militarism, the subjugation of the individual for the state, the undemocratic holding of power, etc etc etc.

            Unless you believe in the right-wing conspiracy theories anyway. Hmm…

            • HACKthePRISONS
              17 months ago

              >Unless you believe in the right-wing conspiracy theories anyway

              what right wing conspiracy theory are you talking about? this appears to be an attempt to pigeonhole me and my legitimate criticisms.

                67 months ago

                Only way I can think of Biden fitting the fascist glove, is if someone believes Trump’s lines about the election. Otherwise it just doesn’t make sense.

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  17 months ago

                  oh, i just know what fascism is and i know the US has been fascist for decades.

            • HACKthePRISONS
              17 months ago

              oh. let me help you out:

              he wrote the patriot act

              he wrote the crime bill

              he voted for every military intervention for the last 50 years, sometimes grandstanding on making them happen

              i don’t know about the undemocratic holding of power: i’m pretty sure that the appearance of democracy is a desirable trait for any authoritarian regime, but when less than half the eligible populace votes, how can you claim any government is democratic?

                77 months ago

                Patriot Act:

                On October 23, 2001, U.S. Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced House bill H.R. 3162, which incorporated provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill, and a Senate bill introduced earlier in the month.[5] The next day, October 24, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66,[6] with Democrats comprising the overwhelming majority of “no”-votes. The three Republicans voting “no” were Robert Ney of Ohio, Butch Otter of Idaho, and Ron Paul of Texas. On October 25, the Act passed the Senate with a vote of 98–1. Russ Feingold (D-WI) voted “no”.[7]

                He did draft the Senate version of the '94 crime bill, you’re half right on that one, though only half since his draft wasn’t that different from the House version. Though I’m not sure that makes him a fascist.

                Regarding the WoT, we were attacked, I’ll remind you. Democratic countries responding to attacks does not make them militaristic fascists. Did we conquer anything?

                Lastly, people have the liberty to vote or not. That supersedes any authoritarian requirement that they do so, in most people’s opinions anyway. People are free to vote if they wish, and if they vote him out, he’ll leave.

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  17 months ago

                  looks like you got your facts wrong AND you made excuses for military adventurism. are you the real fascist all along?

                    37 months ago

                    Let’s just condense your two comments into one, eh? If Biden is in your book, then I probably am too. I think you’re using a weird book though.

                    So, you must be referring to: Much of its rejected proposals were ultimately recycled as the USAPATRIOT Act of 2001 with Joe Biden’s vocal endorsement.[8]

                    I suppose that works, though counter-terrorism does require tools to battle it. We’re not pacifists either you know, Americans can be quite aggressive in personality sometimes. We are careful, however, to draw a distinction between militaristic conquest and defense. You’ll note America is still the same size it was then, despite successfully holding both Iraq and Afghanistan for a time.