Tried it out in the past couple of days to manage k8s volumes and backups on s3 and it works surprisingly well out of the box. Context: k3s running on multiple raspberry pi

  • @notfromhere
    11 year ago

    I’m having enough trouble trying to get k3s running. I keep getting apiserver unavailable, connection refused, etc. kubectl works about 1/10th of the times I call it. I loaded the OS on external HDD to see if that was the problem but no dice.

    • @justpassingby@sh.itjust.worksOP
      11 year ago

      Sorry to hear. If you had NO connection with kubectl, I would have adviced you to check the ports; but if sometimes it replies and most of the time not, it must be something else. Good luck with the debug and if you have any specific problem you could also try to create a post on any of the self-hosted communities here on lemmy. From my experience people is more friendly and more technical than what we used to have on reddit.

      • @notfromhere
        1 year ago

        Doing this fixed it

        sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi && reboot