• adderaline
    471 year ago

    this shit gets me angry. both parties suck, biden sucks, yeah yeah yeah. he isn’t in support of actively ripping rights away from millions of people, and he isn’t on board with genociding trans people. i swear, you have either be super out of touch with the people actively under threat by republicans or putting your principles over the lives of actual people to even begin equating the two parties. work on utopian political projects every other day of the year, build movements to affect broader social change, but i swear if you end up not voting blue during one of the most precarious moments of this shithole’s democracy what comes next is worse for all of us.

    and to be clear, biden sucks and i hate him. but genuinely i don’t want to get genocided, and the blue guy is a lot less likely to try that shit on me or the people i love.

      • FIash Mob #5678
        31 year ago

        No, Hillary is why Trump won.

        Just on my tiny street in America, three families lost their homes to Obama’s foreclosure crisis. Multiply that by every street in this country and you have a lot of people who won’t see the appeal of Hillary being a continuation of Obama’s policies.

    • @tangentism@beehaw.org
      41 year ago

      and the blue guy is a lot less likely to try that shit on me or the people i love.

      So it’s only “a lot less likely” not a definitive won’t ever?

      • adderaline
        141 year ago

        oh for sure. i don’t trust the dude, and his policy (like all capitalists) has tangible impacts on my quality of life. every moment we don’t have universal health care, and specifically universal gender affirming healthcare for one of my specific minority corners, leads to the unnecessary deaths of innocent people. every moment we don’t have housing justice, climate justice, and any number of other progressive policies leaves more people in horrific situations. i just don’t think electoral politics provides a pathway for anything better at the moment, and if it goes to the red team things get much worse for everybody much quicker.

      • macallik
        71 year ago

        Historically, the guy that fought against apartheid is unlikely to commit genocide.

        There’s no definitive ‘ever’ in anything though. History has a few democratically-elected populist-turned-dictators if memory serves me right

      • FIash Mob #5678
        11 year ago

        And that statement isn’t really true if you’re a wage earner, need health care, need education, or an abortion, or need a home that you can both afford and live in. Dems just as enthusiastically shit on all of those people as Republicans.