From the makers of kotor 2, fallout new vegas, and pillars of eternity

    21 year ago

    I realize Obsidian isn’t known for visual masterpieces, but this looks extremely dated. The original teaser also had a much darker feel to it than this trailer. Seems a lot more colorful than I expected.

    It’ll be on Game Pass, so I’ll probably check it out anyway, but this kind of dampened my expectations by a lot.

        11 year ago

        I don’t disagree, but there are ways to use color without making everything shiny. If everything pops, nothing does, and for me personally that just felt like a little much.

        Obviously this might just be the trailer and we’ll have to wait and see what it actually looks like, but to me it feels a little like they’re trying to make up for poor texture quality by making everything 50% brighter and more saturated.

      1 year ago

      Yeah I don’t thinks it’s the graphical fidelity necessarily but the coloring is definitely off somehow. Things that should look brighter instead look more vibrant? Saturated? Idk how to describe it but this game is gunna need reshade imo.