• @Summzashi
    6 months ago

    If you used that logic before you wouldn’t have put Rick Berman in your meme. Saying he made the best Trek in 20 years shouldn’t go without saying he made the worst in 20 years too. Alex Kurtzman is as much a villain as Berman.

    • StametsOPM
      26 months ago

      Alex Kurtzman is as much a villain as Berman.

      No. He isn’t. The fact you’re trying to compare them is more than enough proof that you’re ignorant on this subject.

      Alex Kurtzman didn’t say that you can only come back to the show if you play the product of incessant life long rape.

      Alex Kurtzman didn’t drive Marina Sirtis to the bring of insanity with contract problems.

      Alex Kurtzman didn’t repeatedly tell show runners that they couldn’t do what Gene wanted to do.

      Alex Kurtzman didn’t make cast uncomfortable with non-stop highly sexualized moments that detracted from the show and ran it into the ground so badly that the entire series had to be shelved for years.

      Alex Kurtzman doesn’t abuse cast members.

      You just don’t like him because he’s not making the Star Trek that you personally like. Trying to compare the two is laughable and says a trillion things about you and nothing about Kurtzman.

      • @Summzashi
        16 months ago

        Man I didn’t realize your shitty meme was meant to be taken this seriously. Especially after “worfs parenting” part, or are you now going to write a pointless essay about how Michael Dorn abuses puppies? In the context of this image, Berman and Kurtzman are both show runners and I can compare them on that basic level; they ran the show. I don’t need any encyclopedic knowledge to talk about a low brow meme.

        Get off your high horse. Your animosity is incredibly cringe and misplaced.

        • StametsOPM
          26 months ago

          You asked for context and someone gave it to you. I responded to them. You then engaged with me and started furthering comparing the two after context was provided for Berman and how he is objectively worse than Kurtzman. You have been doing nothing other than saying he makes bad Trek, which is entirely based off of an opinion.

          There has been no animosity here other than for people who insist that Kurtzman is as bad as a dude who, amongst other things, repeatedly abused and berated women.

          I’m not engaging with you further on this.