• @Laticauda@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      No, sadly with the way US voting works at the moment the chances of a third party winning is microscopic, so voting for a third party is only taking votes away from the only party that stands a chance of beating the republicans. Statistically third party voters would be more likely to vote democratic than republican if they didn’t have a third party option, so in reality the more people voting third party the more they’re helping republicans win. It sucks but that’s the reality.

        • @Laticauda@lemmy.ca
          156 months ago

          As much as it would be nice if the world worked that way, that’s not how the world works unfortunately.

            • @Laticauda@lemmy.ca
              6 months ago

              Your votes don’t exist in a vacuum. There absolutely needs to be election reform to make third party voting a more viable option instead of a liability, but it hasn’t happened yet so for now you live in a reality where you’re voting in an imperfect system and trying to will the fantasy of a perfect system into existence instead of acknowledging that isn’t helping anyone, least of all people who want to be able to actually vote third party.

      • Statistically third party voters would be more likely to vote democratic than republican if they didn’t have a third party option,

        i haven’t voted for a democrat for president in over a decade and i’m not starting again this year.

        • @corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
          106 months ago

          You know politics isn’t like sports, right? You don’t identify with a team but instead you vote to get rid of cruel fatcat racists and replace them with people who will actually benefit the country.

    • @RegalPotoo@lemmy.world
      126 months ago

      That’s not how the US electoral system works. If the vote turns out 49%/48%/3%, then the guy with 49% wins. Unless your 3rd party is polling in the mid forties (and is therefore not a 3rd party) all you are doing is vote splitting

      • there is no reason to believe someone voting for a so-called third party would vote for another politician. it’s not as though we don’t know they exist, and haven’t been browbeaten repeatedly about this.

      • @Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Wow. What a mathematically flawed electoral system!

        So now that we all understand how first past the post voting will always result in a two party system… what is the ETA on Ranked choice voting being implemented in all blue states?

      • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
        46 months ago

        You keep assuming that third party voters will vote for your guy. They very well may vote against him, if at all.

        I dont think you understand anything about third party voters.

    • @littlewonder@lemmy.world
      86 months ago

      Do the work for third parties between elections. That’s when the hard-fought progress is made toward rising platforms and ideas. Vote third party in primaries. Attend third party meetings and help organize. But don’t make the work to spread new ideas and build other options even harder by allowing democracy to creep further backward and affect up to 35+ years of judicial decisions.