as the title says, all of these frontends are dead now, which means that its impossible to view any of the datat that exists on these sites if we dont own an account

is that it? should we just quit using these sites or what?

  • [OLD ACC] RelectedOP
    11 year ago

    because teddit is faster, lighter and looks better than stock reddit site

    also to prevent trackers, ads and unnecessary JS that bloats and slows down the browser

    • @AlwaysTheir
      21 year ago

      While I appreciate the response the logic doesn’t check out. You can view the content. You don’t need an account unless you want to use your own viewer. This post was misleading.

      Given your response other people’s answer to just not visit reddit is correct.

      • REEELAAAAAYYcted
        11 year ago

        You don’t need an account unless you want to use your own viewer.

        youre right, but teddit is the best way for people to lurk on reddit without actually giving reddit any traffic (remember, its not using reddit’s API, it uses its own unofficial API like nitter)

        also it works on mobile browsers, and we all know how reddit behaves when you use its browser version on android