• My dude. I’m from Toretsk. I’ll give you a second to google where that is.

    We voted for him because we wanted the change he was promising. Which was to distance ourselves from the corruptive influence of Russia and move closer to the EU. It’s not like my poeple haven’t even trying to do this for years now.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      1 year ago

      The fact that you can’t even conceive of being able to distance yourself from Russia without escalating tensions with Russia is why your country where it is today. USSR and NATO didn’t want to do with one another during the Cold War, but managed to avoid actual hot conflict. The fact that people can’t even imagine peaceful coexistence today is rather depressing.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          21 year ago

          People like Mearsheimer explained in detail precisely how the west used Ukraine to escalate tensions over seven years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4

          You still don’t seem to understand that your country is just seen a pawn by US, they don’t care about you at all. RAND literally published a study titled Extending Russia explaininig how Russia could be drawn into a war in Ukraine. They weren’t even hiding it. Yet, some clowns still think that the west is there helping them.

          This all ends when US decides they’ve invested enough into this grift and move on. The same way Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan ended. If you think you’re country is going to be the one where it’s different you’re even more of a 🤡 than I originally thought. You’re just a resource being spent in a geopolitical game US is playing.

          • You have a reading comprehension issue. I’ve already stated the problem I have with the US being involved. I know full well what the US is doing.

            That doesn’t change the fact that Russia can fuck off. Period. End of story. No amount copy pasting the same shit over and over will change that.

          • APassenger
            41 year ago

            You’ve proven your sympathies well, here. And I believe you’ve persuasively shown you are who and how they say you are.

            I do agree, as an American, that we should be seen as somewhat psychopathic. We want what we want and don’t always follow through like promised. That said, I don’t see too many futures where containing Russia isn’t enough to hold our attention (and therefore, resources).

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              21 year ago

              Your country is a genocidal regime that’s responsible for some of the most despotic crimes against humanity. Currently, your regime is cynically using the people of Ukraine as a way to try and weaken Russia as the paper RAND published prior to the war very clearly explains.

              This hubris isn’t going well for you.

              • APassenger
                31 year ago

                You continue to respond in poor faith and describe me in ways that are inaccurate. Or pretend that Americans are a monolith, you have a unique objective view of the monolith, and I fit that monolith. Then you respond to me as that stereotype you’ve created. And as though I’m in full agreement.

                This isn’t going anywhere.