about:config --> browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabWallpapers.enabled true

    • Why not just type the first few letters in the URL bar? For my lemmy instance, I just type “sh” and it completes. For everything else, I use Duckduckgo bangs (“!a” for Amazon, “!w” for Wikipedia, etc).

      It should totally be an option, but I don’t remember the last time I ever clicked on anything in the new tab page.

      • @Dima
        22 months ago

        If you’ve just opened a new tab, your hand is on the mouse and the page you want is one click away, why bother typing?

          • @Dima
            22 months ago

            Right, but you asked why not type it, I was giving you a reason why. That’s also why I put in the disclaimer about having your hand on the mouse.