• MuchPineapples
          204 months ago

          How is his thought disturbing? Humans were never meant to have this much fat, so feeling disturbed by this unnatural figure is quite reasonable.

          • @Legend@lemmy.sdf.org
            24 months ago

            I’m all for fitness and working out but I don’t make my lifestyle the standard to hold everyone up on .

            • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
              24 months ago

              The standard is not about being ripped, but about being healthy.

              There is absolutely no way to view this size as healthy.

            • JJROKCZ
              24 months ago

              No one is asking everyone to be as fit as the hemsworths but TLC’s 600lb life is a show that just shouldn’t exist because there shouldn’t be anyone near that weight

          • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Wow you just live to think negatively about other people. That must be so miserable to live that way.

            • Echo Dot
              4 months ago

              Wow are you are utterly determined to be right aren’t you. It doesn’t matter that your position is unhinged, makes no sense, and is based on attacking a perceived issue rather than an actual one. You’ve got to be right.

          • @Legend@lemmy.sdf.org
            4 months ago

            Well keep your thoughts to yourself then, don’t put it out on the internet and not expect any one to express their thoughts .

            • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
              74 months ago

              Morbidly obese people like this make me want to throw up. They sicken me with how weak and pathetic they are.

              Now, please, express yourself some more.

              • @Legend@lemmy.sdf.org
                14 months ago

                Well you make me wanna throw up . I bet your all healthy and shit cause the only people who care about others bodies this much tend to be worse themselves and is coping by expressing, hey at least I’m not as bad as this guy online which everyone is making fun of so I should also join in.

                • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  Now I understand. You’re projecting like crazy and insecure about yourself. You should have just let it lie. I’m not healthy and shit, nor even obese. I’m just slightly overweight. I wasn’t making fun of this person and I don’t want everyone to “join in”. In fact I said the people who take creep shots and post online to make fun of them is evil, despite my internal-exclusive thoughts. I was trying to make a point that says “just because you don’t like this, doesn’t give you the excuse to be a sick bastard.” Then you fucked it up.

        • XIIIesq
          14 months ago

          Anyone that says “I don’t judge”, is either a liar or are so unself aware that they don’t realise that they have even subconscious biases (but usually the first one).

          You’re not even virtue signalling here, you’re just showing a lack of maturity.

    • @Crikeste@lemm.ee
      114 months ago

      What? That morbid obesity is unhealthy?

      Fucking UNHINGED. Most controversial opinion of 2024.

      • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I don’t think they live for your opinion of them. Maybe get used to understanding the importance of your opinion isn’t the same to other people. Nor should it be. Not saying you can’t have an opinion. Just that that’s as far as it’s gonna go and you are gonna have to get ok with that. Or just carry it with you til one day you die and you’re still angry about it on your deathbed. Your call on how you spend your energy. Sounds sad tho. Probably sadder than what you think a person who is obese is. At least they found some happy in their food. You just sound outright fucking miserable looking for things to be miserable about and pull people into thinking your misery is super important.

        • WideEyedStupid
          64 months ago

          Wtf are you talking about? Nowhere does OP say he’s angry or even really bothered by it at all. He just thinks “oh ewww, that looks disgusting” and then goes about his day. What’s more disturbing is that so many people apparently seem to think that being this fat is actually something we should just accept or even celebrate.

          I feel like society should have a role in making sure people don’t ever get this fat. And not because it’s “eww” or ugly, but because it’s fucking unhealthy. Whenever I see a person like this, I feel pity. You don’t get this fat in a few months. This means years and years of bad habits, lack of access to healthy foods, maybe a terrible childhood with parents who didn’t give a shit, no assistance from the people around you who just stand by and watch it happen (or even enable it), very likely a highly fucked up self image and other issues. This is simply not healthy. It’s terrible.

          And this weird thing is happening where people can’t even say these things anymore without being attacked by people like you. I think you actually believe that OP’s opinion is the outlandish one. And that just makes me sad.

          • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
            14 months ago

            I feel like society should have a role in making sure people don’t ever get this fat. And not because it’s “eww” or ugly, but because it’s fucking unhealthy. Whenever I see a person like this, I feel pity. You don’t get this fat in a few months. This means years and years of bad habits, lack of access to healthy foods, maybe a terrible childhood with parents who didn’t give a shit, no assistance from the people around you who just stand by and watch it happen (or even enable it), very likely a highly fucked up self image and other issues. This is simply not healthy. It’s terrible.

            And that’s their issues to deal with. And just as much as you think they need help, focus on your issues. Like Go to therapy and deal with your control issues you clearly are struggling with hard here with all the ‘shoulds’ you lash out for everyone else

          • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
            14 months ago

            So you can’t attack people without being attacked…oh my yes, you’re soooooo ‘oppressed’. Poor you.

            And you are complaining that you have to think about the repercussions of what you say.

            You are the snowflake.

            • WideEyedStupid
              4 months ago

              This is what you take away from my comment? Nobody was attacking anyone until you started berating OP for having thoughts. Do you honestly think I’m walking around calling fat people names all the time? Or that OP does that? Of course not. What we’re thinking inside our own heads does not constitute an attack.

              It’s hilarious that you think you’re on some moral high ground, implying that you never have any negative thoughts about anyone. Go stand on a lego, please.

              • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
                14 months ago

                Yes you have an opinion. You aired it here. I have an opinion too. And I aired it here. It’s not just a game only you get to play. You’re not a victim so you can knock off the persecution bullshit. Not buying it.

        • Echo Dot
          34 months ago

          I think you’re more angry about it than anyone else. You have decided, based on absolutely no evidence, that somebody is angry at somebody else for being overweight, and are rushing to their defense when it isn’t even warranted.

          You’re waving your arms around in an insane manner, knocking small toddlers over left and right, and calling everyone else deranged.

          • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
            14 months ago

            They didn’t have to come in here to say they were offended by large people. But they did anyways.

            • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
              14 months ago

              I’m disgusted by gargantuanly fat people. Large people, I am not. I came in here to scold OP and Anon for posting this in the first place. But you made it about yourself.

              Now get your last word in that I’m going to ignore.