I find it also wakes me up and I feel alert even without caffeine by the time I get to work. Plus apart from when drivers can’t follow a fucking line and drive in the bike lane, which is almost every day, traffic can get fucked on the way home.
That’s funny because I find that i usually feel like I am about to die and need a shower, 5 gallons of drinking water, and a nap to recover.
I’m guessing that where you live that it’s it’s not 35C/95F and 95% humidity for 4 months of the year?
Mostly rain, sometimes snow. Summer is a bit poop but the morning ride in is cool and downhill and being stuck in traffic in my car with broken ac is definitely harder than the breeze when I get moving on the return. The forest trail is nice in the summer too.
It’s a fat ebike though and with huge ass easy drive on the cassette so if I’m totally wrecked I can do the return 90% throttle with a bit of pedalling just at the steepest part. If the summer is abnormally bad I’ll use the lighter bike but usually I just swap between studded winter tires and the silly looking road tires
I find it also wakes me up and I feel alert even without caffeine by the time I get to work. Plus apart from when drivers can’t follow a fucking line and drive in the bike lane, which is almost every day, traffic can get fucked on the way home.
That’s funny because I find that i usually feel like I am about to die and need a shower, 5 gallons of drinking water, and a nap to recover. I’m guessing that where you live that it’s it’s not 35C/95F and 95% humidity for 4 months of the year?
Mostly rain, sometimes snow. Summer is a bit poop but the morning ride in is cool and downhill and being stuck in traffic in my car with broken ac is definitely harder than the breeze when I get moving on the return. The forest trail is nice in the summer too.
It’s a fat ebike though and with huge ass easy drive on the cassette so if I’m totally wrecked I can do the return 90% throttle with a bit of pedalling just at the steepest part. If the summer is abnormally bad I’ll use the lighter bike but usually I just swap between studded winter tires and the silly looking road tires