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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Affectionate-Cat5016 on 2023-07-13 17:14:29.

I (F27) live about a block from my parents. They helped me buy my house and they are awesome. They also babysit for my brother and his wife all the time. However when they are not available my SIL will bring her kids (10/8/6) to my house since I work from home. I have tried explaining repeatedly that I’m working and she refuses to understand. My parents aren’t her biggest fans either but they have begged me to humour her.

So I allow it. They are good kids and I love them. But I also don’t enforce her rules on them.

Nope sorry I don’t have organic fruit juice. I have Coke, Mountain Dew, and Red Bull. Or you can drink tap water. You want avocado with an egg on rye? Well I have potato skins from Costco. WTF is veggie tales? My tv has Netflix, Prime, and Disney. Watch whatever you want.

She gets mad at me for not following her rules for her kids but she keeps dropping them off. My brother says I’m being an asshole for not just doing what they want so I told him I would if they A. paid me to watch their kids. And B. Supplied whatever their kids were supposed to eat drink and watch.


  • ef9357
    2 年前

    NTA. Just stop babysitting. They can pay someone else to parent for them.