Do note the first quoted paragraph are the banned moves. Everything listed later in the article are moves that need reviewed/approved.

    2 years ago

    Fake or not, I think things like

    Spitting into the crowd Taking the crowds drinks (except for that time it was offered to one of the bucks) Faking seizures And unprotected chair shots are not necessary.

    In some cases these antics bring the show down.

    Don’t pretend to have a seizure on love TV after an unprotected headshot, or spit in the crowd or take the crowds shit. Yeah have some light interactions, talk shit there’s a line…

        2 years ago

        Use plants for stuff like that. I get it you think it’s cool, I think it’s cool too when I’m in TV…but if you had a kid and they worked all weekend on their sign and MJF tore it up and if that kid gets upset it can ruin the experience for him, for his family and maybe turn him off from Wrestling.

        I strongly doubt that would happen odds are the kid would be amazed and be happy to be on TV and go to school telling everyone they are gonna become a wrestler and get them back, but I can understand.