Please stop making fun of people for being Virgins. It’s tough because I’m a leftist, I love this sub, and I work hard to be a good person and practice good praxis, but I’m also 28 and a virgin. Watching Y’all make fun of people for being virgins or calling people virgins really hurts.
Posting here on an alt because my normal username can be linked to me in real life, but I post here daily. Most of you have probably upvoted my posts at one point or another. But yeah, I’m old, and I’m a virgin, and while it doesn’t bother me much anymore, it’s really bad praxis to call people virgins as an insult or to make fun of them for being virgins. Incels are bad not because they are virgins but because they just blame women for their cause. Make fun of them for their shitty beliefs, not because they are virgins.
I think for a lot of us we still hold on to the capitalist idea of success that has been handed to us. That we need to have money and a job and a partner and kids and all that to be seen as good. And that’s not possible for a lot of us. I know that’s not possible for me I’ve been unemployed for years at this point. So we make fun of them for believing in the system but still not having it. I think it’s right when people point out here that the things a lot of the alt-right are mad about are rightful things to be mad about. It’s just that they then blame them on the (((globalists))) and muslims and immigrants and SJWs when really it’s capitalism and actual rich people.
But seriously, that’s all I have to say. Please think before using virgin as an insult. It’s just a state of being, that of having not had sex, and every single one of you were a virgin at some point in time. Thanks for reading. I love all y’all anyway.
Kinda sad to see this is a copypasta, it’s a good point, much love for our asexual comrades and folks that just don’t wanna bone
I just rewatched Hocus Pocus for the first time in a decade or two… man I did not remember how ruthlessly this children’s movie made fun of a 15 year old boy for being a virgin. Even his 9 year old sister slams him. In the last frame of the shot during an emotional reunion between characters, the ghost literally ascending to heaven digs him for being a virgin.
Zoroastrian Persians literally didn’t even have the concept of virginity, this shit is stupid.
ok i get yoru point that virginity is a cultural thing but why you gotta talk about the persians who did a good deal of pederasty and incest marrying
Cuz I just learned that fact recently, idk.
Here’s my real hot take of the day: Every time you mock someone for being a virgin, you engage in rape culture. Discuss.
The amount of people who had sex not because they wanted it but because it would remove the ‘virgin’ label must be quite a lot.
If you aren’t asexual you’re sexuality is deeply rooted in pedophilia and that is problematic 1/245
by transphobe logic this is true
It’s mainly making fun of the phenomena on Twitter about “being attracted to Himbos is pedophilia”/“dating someone a year younger than you is pedophilia”/etc. This is the logical endpoint of those garbage takes
I don’t know if those people are TERFs or not but their views of endangering children are somehow even dumber