i mean, in comparison to like rohan, and the frantic adventures of aragorn, legolas, gimli… fucking helms deep.
They’re slower for sure, but they’ve got some great moments and some of the most memorable moments from the trilogy imo.
Po-ta-toes, the two-way conversation with Gollum and the Samwise speech about hope, which remains my favourite scene in the entire trilogy. Plus we get to meet ma boi Faramir, who’s wearing a hood no less.
So you missed the main message of Tolkien.
Ah man, don’t be mean. It’s just different strokes and all that. There’s a lot to love about Middle Earth, and some people just love different things.
That there’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for?
That is an important message of Tolkien, too! But the intrusion into Mordor highlights that the Sams of this world (the working class people) are the real heros whose contribution is crucial. In the end the war is not won by the wizards or the warriors, but by Sam’s ability to carry on under all circumstances and to draw Frodo with him.
So is Frodo the bourgeoisie in this?
No, but yes.
In the book, he is Gentry.
In real life the Bourgeoisie took the role the Gentry/lower nobility had pre industrialisation.
While Frodo is not bourgeoise, the message is about the bourgoisie.
They can definitely be a bit samey, and I say that as a huge fan who watches the trilogy at least a couple times a year.
Good for making progress on the tricksy part of a knitting project though since I can safely look away from the screen for a while!
So what you’re saying is basically the ring would turn you into some sort of zombie within seconds 😆