Nuclear and renewables are complementary technologies, renewables are a much more volatile source of energy. Also, when people say renewables are cheaper they’re not counting the total lifecycle of things like wndmills and solar panels.
Complimentary is irrelevant. Coal and solar are complimentary, you can have a grid using both of those technologies. Renewables aren’t really that volatile. Batteries exist.
You don’t understand what ad hominem means. Ad hominem isn’t just when you insult someone. Ad hominem is when you attempt to logically refute a point by using the speaker’s character as a source of evidence.
Ad hominem example:
My opponent argues that 2+2=7. He always got F’s in math, therefore this must be wrong.
No ad hominem, just insulting:
My opponent argues that 2+2=7. We can prove this is wrong by plugging into a calculator. Also, an irrelevant detail, he is stupid and bad at math.
My comment could not have made any logical fallacy because I made no attempt at logic or making an argument. All I intended was an insult. Again, username checks out.
I dont think that’s right. Here’s a helpful definition:
The definition of ‘ad hominem’
In Latin, ‘ad hominem’ means “against the person.” In an ad hominem argument, the person attacks the source of the argument rather than the argument itself. In other words, when the argument makes personal attacks rather than dealing with the subject at hand, it’s ad hominem.
Ad hominem again. This is no way to have a constructive discussion. Please use arguments to support your position and don’t attack the opposition personally.
I’ve already explained my argument to you repeatedly in multiple comments as have other people. Unfortunately, you’ve amply demonstrated lack of basic reading comprehension required to understand and respond to such arguments. Therefore there is no need to repeat these arguments. If you feel personally attacked when people point that out to you, that’s entirely your problem.
Good news, the Chinese artificial sun has reached 403 seconds of stability. Up from 100 seconds 7 years ago. Once it reaches 1000 seconds at 50,000,000 Kelvin, it would mean it produces more energy than igniting the “sun” would cost.
I do think it’s very likely that we’ll see fusion working within our lifetimes. If China manages to get a fusion plant online then that really will solve all the energy problems for the foreseeable future.
Nuclear and renewables are complementary technologies, renewables are a much more volatile source of energy. Also, when people say renewables are cheaper they’re not counting the total lifecycle of things like wndmills and solar panels.
Complimentary is irrelevant. Coal and solar are complimentary, you can have a grid using both of those technologies. Renewables aren’t really that volatile. Batteries exist.
Yes coal and solar are complementary. But nuclear pollutes less than coal so it’s a better choice.
Maybe spend more time educating yourself on the realities of the situation.
Maybe use arguments rather than succumb to ad hominem fallacies
Your username checks out
Yay more ad hominem fallacies. Try using arguments next time please.
You don’t understand what ad hominem means. Ad hominem isn’t just when you insult someone. Ad hominem is when you attempt to logically refute a point by using the speaker’s character as a source of evidence.
Ad hominem example:
No ad hominem, just insulting:
My comment could not have made any logical fallacy because I made no attempt at logic or making an argument. All I intended was an insult. Again, username checks out.
I dont think that’s right. Here’s a helpful definition:
The definition of ‘ad hominem’
In Latin, ‘ad hominem’ means “against the person.” In an ad hominem argument, the person attacks the source of the argument rather than the argument itself. In other words, when the argument makes personal attacks rather than dealing with the subject at hand, it’s ad hominem.
Again, I made no attempt at making an argument, so my statement could not be an ad hominem argument.
When someone made fun of you in school, did you say “well, akshually, that’s ad hominem ☝️🤓”
If reading wikipedia pages is the height your knowledge on the subject that explains a lot actually.
Ad hominem again. This is no way to have a constructive discussion. Please use arguments to support your position and don’t attack the opposition personally.
I see somebody learned a new word. Good for you.
No argument offered, just a personal attack again.
I’ve already explained my argument to you repeatedly in multiple comments as have other people. Unfortunately, you’ve amply demonstrated lack of basic reading comprehension required to understand and respond to such arguments. Therefore there is no need to repeat these arguments. If you feel personally attacked when people point that out to you, that’s entirely your problem.
deleted by creator
I mean China is already making all the solar panels at this point, so we might as well wait for them to role out nuclear globally.
Good news, the Chinese artificial sun has reached 403 seconds of stability. Up from 100 seconds 7 years ago. Once it reaches 1000 seconds at 50,000,000 Kelvin, it would mean it produces more energy than igniting the “sun” would cost.
I do think it’s very likely that we’ll see fusion working within our lifetimes. If China manages to get a fusion plant online then that really will solve all the energy problems for the foreseeable future.