:shocked-pikachu: It turns out it was colonialism and unequal exchange all along.

  • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Complete concise history of global inequality:

    20,000 years ago Americans colonized America. People like foraging and not doing rote farm labor, so they didn’t

    10,000 years ago, Afroeurasia was full, bc it had been settled for 10x longer than America. Thus, people starved killed and rworded each other. The ability to subsist off of inferior foods was selected (lactose, grain, plant fat)

    500 years ago, America was still empty. Because it’d only been settled for 19,500 years. After all, Afroeurasia was also empty in 81,500 BCE. Americans lived a paleo/early-neolithic lifestyle by Asian standards, bc they could! (euros are northwest asians).

    The above made them easy to genocide, bc they lacked both numbers (10x lower popdensity except Mexico) and the tech (metal) that arose from neolithic Iranians and Chinese (and later on all Asia) living in cities.

    None of this is remarkable, it would also be very easy to genocide the Indoeuropeans, or Rome, or even 1930s Britain, if we traveled back in time with modern tech

    Northwest Asians discovered the Americas, because it’s right next to them. Also wind naturally blows in that direction. The path between East Asia and the Americas is 6x larger.

    The Americas are two huge continents, so Northwest Asians got turbo-rich off them.

    It’s easy to invent and experiment when you have 5x extra food and leisure time.
    When you are starvation-farming, you can’t experiment bc you starve to death if the experiment goes wrong.
    This is how nations like Britain were able to evolve from living in swampholes to having advanced navies.