thinking about paying $500 for a pixel 6 to nuke it and install either lineage or graphene. Main reasons: security, I want to degoogle, hate bloatware, I want complete freedom to choose what apps I want on my device, smartphones are notoriously known for their short support cycles (to me 4 years is not enough).

what I don’t know is why graphene developers have chosen proprietary hardware from what has to be one of the most foss unfriendly companies

  • ViciousTurducken
    1 year ago

    GrapheneOS is great on my Pixel 7! App load times are slower, but that is a function of its hardened security.

    To answer your question, Pixels are one of the few devices that allow relocking the bootloader on non-stock software. That in addition to the fact that they have some of the best security of all smartphones.