There was a thread with the same title on that other site, but it was 2 years ago and there are 6 new classes in the game since then along with all the other new content and changes in meta thinking. And like the OP of that thread, I have players new to Pathfinder (and others new to TTRPGs), some of whom have expressed an interest in those new classes.

So, how would you rank the classes in terms of difficulty of play, as well as in terms of how much work they take outside the session?

  • amithinkingright
    2 years ago

    For anyone considering ranger, their complexity goes up if you go with animal companion or snare.

    Snares in particular means trying to make them work in combat, and waiting lots of levels before they can work in combat. Or it means trying to anticipate combat and setting them up beforehand. And more options open up for snares with the advanced players guide because of ranger focus spells and because of the snare crafter archetype.

    Snares are also a problem for players. If a GM suddenly likes and thinks seriously about snares, then enemies will use them. And enemies can potentially protect their base or whatever with snares ahead of time. It’s potentially brutal.