Finally decided to convert to the penguin. I have live booted mint from a usb, without installing it yet, on a macbook pro 2017. But none of the WiFi networks in my apartment are showing, except for a few weak ones. Help a newbie out :)

Edit: To clarify it is not installed yet. Just used it from a live usb.

Edit 2: Used phone as tether for internet and went through all managers. But none had any updates that worked. I also tried installing b43 and after that wl. But both did nothing on the live usb boot, I assume since modprobe doesn’t do anything on a live boot. But I ain’t installing if it won’t even work on the live boot.

@RedNight left a link that suggests this macbook, version 14.2, wifi doesn’t work with linux.

Final edit: Fedora also didn’t work. So it’s a hardware compatibility issue.

TLDR: If u have a macbook 2017 version 14.2 the wifi won’t work on linux so don’t try.

    10 months ago

    Check your region settings. Maybe you are not listening on the right channels for your country.

    • HotCoffee@lemm.eeOP
      10 months ago

      The weird thing is that it picks up 1 or 2 wifi from my neighbours but really weak like 9%. But it doesn’t seem te scan my own.