Of course Saitama thinks switching Associations is too much work… Also here goes Genos again sort of overthinking everything instead of just accepting Saitama’s praise
Huh, I thought Murata would be taking a break. Anyway, good chapter. It’s starting to feel like Murata is catching up with One, somehow.
I think given Murata’s insane drawing rate it was inevitable. OPM is one of the few cases where the manga has filler arcs to not outpace itself lmao
Wow Genos really gave us all that info dump just to say he won’t join if his sensei doesn’t.
And it doesn’t even feel like an info dump, at least for me. It felt more like Genos and Saitama behaving their usual, one overthinking and another underthinking (but still looking like if he had some deeper insight).
It’s pretty in character for Genos to info dump :P