More investigations on the xz bash attack script.

    • @greysemanticistOP
      23 months ago

      Oh man, your demo gives me Hudsucker Proxy vibes (“You know, for kids!”). I’m going to have to watch it a couple of times to understand what pnk is doing here. My initial take is pnk is a DSL of bash functions that appear to be composing together Tkinter “primitives.”

      An “APL” for UI. Interesting stuff.

        3 months ago

        Yes a DSL. And almost all of Python is hidden inside shell functions. I can make anything Python just writing in shell. I did make some high order functions for Tkinter so I can code faster and I used colors for quicker visual parsing and also removed worrying about indentation by classifying the function using capital letters and a tag for making the color block. Its simply me trying to write code more effectively. Abstracted away the boilerplate in a sense. Its dead simple really. I would love to tell you more.