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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/CranberryLimp4343 on 2023-07-21 17:07:53.

I was at an observation deck yesterday. It’s one of those that has a glass floor as part of it.

There was a guy there trying to get his wife and kid to go on the glass floor so he could take a picture. Kid looked about three and terrified. His wife was not interested either.

When she went to the bathroom he picked up his kid and went on the glass floor. The kid was frozen stiff and looked pale as a ghost. The dad got his selfie though.

When he walked by me I was telling my boyfriend that if we got married and had kids and he did something so idiotic and traumatizing to our kids I would be pissed.

The guy overheard me and said I should mind my own business. I said I wasn’t talking to him. But I did repeat myself and say that he was an idiot for putting his child in such a scary place when the kid obviously didn’t want to be there.

By this time his wife had come out and she heard us arguing. Then she got pissed off at him for doing this against their kids obvious desire.

We walked away but my boyfriend said I shouldn’t have started shit with some random guy terrorizing his own kid.


  • Catpuccino
    2 years ago

    Hell no you’re NTA this guy is intentionally upsetting and terrifying his child and KNEW his wife wasn’t into it which is why he waited for her to leave. Thats 2 consents he was not given and he just did what he wanted for clout. It’s one thing to want a nervous family pic in this situation, but in general the family is all in on it or standing in front of the thing that scares them. Forcing it is just cruel.

    2 years ago

    Fookin mirrored content

    Oh well

    NTA. Psychology has established quite solidly that voluntarily facing what terrifies you makes you stronger, while being involuntarily dragged into it traumatizes you.

    When you force your kids into doing something brave, they get less brave. That kid’s gonna have a phobia of heights now, because the guy couldn’t wait five, ten minutes for the kid to finally make his own way out there.

    If it were my kid, I’d sit there like a buddhist monk for an hour if he was still trying to muster up the courage to step onto the glass. I’ve got all day for a growth opportunity like that.

    If your kid climbs up the high dive and jumps off, he gets happier, healthier, stronger. If your kid climbs up the high dive and you shove him off, he gets more miserable and weak.