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Comments from the original poster:

Not much else needs to be said tbh. Fuck Spez. // Edit: Not sure why imgur marked the album as NSFW, but there’s nothing NSFW in it other than the name of one of the mods including the word “removed

Personal comment: the critter isn’t even dead but the vultures are already flying in circles around it. I certainly do not envy their situation, I bet that the users will treat them like shit.

  • Altima NEO
    5011 months ago

    And I bet those power mods are frothing at the mouth at the idea of having more power.

      3911 months ago

      So weird to spend all day working for Reddit for free just so Spez can make more money. It’s one thing to mod one or two communities, but anything else is like a full time job.

        3311 months ago

        It made sense under the framework that they were your communities and reddit was just the host, but now that everyone knows that to be a lie you’d have to be ridiculously self hating to continue to do that for free

      • Jimmni
        1311 months ago

        Most do literally nothing for the vast majority of subs they mod.

        1311 months ago

        I think they are absolutely 100% getting kickbacks in some forms. Not necessarily monetary. My basis is that years ago when I was very active in my corners of the internet I got tons of stuff just for knowing the right people. I was far from any sort of power mod. Reddit power mod is much higher profile. So there’s no way they aren’t getting benefits.

        Another thing is I’ve been on reddit since early on. I lurked a community that was a few hundred subscribers. Today it is over a hundred thousand. I know the familiar usernames and the little cliques of their inner circles. Over the years there have been a few promotional giveaways on the subreddit. Coincidentally the familiar usernames won the prizes. It was rigged. Had to be.

        Maybe most reddit mods work for free. The mod of that random little subreddit? Probably working for free. The power users though? There’s no doubt in my mind they’ve been getting compensations. The power users want reddit to continue succeeding to their benefit (whatever it maybe) as much as reddit needs them to keep working.

    • harmonea
      2811 months ago

      You’re posting “so what, who cares” on a community specifically dedicated to watching the reddit implosion. What do you think would be more appropriate content for this community?

      (If your answer is “nothing, let it go” then maybe you should block the community instead of what’s tantamount to complaining that it exists?)

        611 months ago

        Yes, watching the implosion. But there’s nothing implosive about this move. Hence, ‘don’t sweat the small stuff.’

        They’re not shooting themselves in the foot again. It’s just an administrative function, moving on with what remains of their business, like paying their electric bill.

        And here’s a friendly observation. Telling others what they should do comes across as grandiose.

        • harmonea
          11 months ago

          I disagree that this isn’t implosive. If it had been normal users who applied in the comment sections of those calls for volunteers, it would be uninteresting, but powermods in particular are a frequent issue when it comes to mod abuse and the like, and seeing their spread to even more large subs is something that was both frequently-predicted and interesting to watch.

          To your last sentence: The closer of “let it go” made your comment sound like the hundreds of other similar comments who want to stop seeing content about reddit. I offered the advice because there seem to be a lot of people browsing their “All” feeds and coming away upset there’s so much content that displeases them. Similar advice is usually either met with either a clarification that makes the discussion more productive (which you did) or an admission that a block is the right course of action–both of which are a net positive for all involved. The “grandiose” tone or intent you imagine I had is your own cross to bear.

      1511 months ago

      Exactly, reddit has been shit ever since 2016. I’m so happy I found this place. Reminds me of the old days.

    • LvxferreOPM
      811 months ago

      It is not dead, it’s still moving! Oh wait it’s because insects are carrying its body.

    • LvxferreOPM
      1711 months ago

      Don’t worry. Reddit will find a way to ban him for “violating the code of conduct” and shorten those three years to just three months.

  • db2
    911 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • SALT
      411 months ago

      It will be fun to look at. Free drama without screen writer.

    • TWeaK
      1311 months ago

      That doesn’t work with posts or comments, as each instance assigns a different number.

        • sethboy66
          211 months ago

          I could see a system being both easy, and hard to implement; Without thinking about it too much, it’d require a hash table filled with every single already-used key that is always perfectly synced with every other instance regardless of each instance’s chosen federated instances.

          Best bet might be to just have a non-linear, randomly chosen, hash with a fixed key-length backed by a very large keyspace. This could effectively defeat the need for perfect syncing due to a greatly decreased chance of collision over short periods of time (statistically covering any minute-or-two long desyncs).

          • Paradox
            311 months ago

            Not necessarily. A hash of the body/url+timestamp would always point to the same place, and could be calculated on the fly.

            • TWeaK
              111 months ago

              So every comment and post would have a calculation and entry into a table, and this would be done by every instance every time one instance creates a new comment or post? That sounds like a massive unnecessary overhead.

              Just use the same ID across all instances. Hell, they could just do https://inst.ance/post/number@inst.ance

              • db2
                211 months ago

                This is redundant but is better than the uuid thing, even though it’s redundant.

                • TWeaK
                  211 months ago

                  I love how your use of the word redundant demonstrated redundancy.

                  I still think a table and extra processing is wasteful and uneccesary. Rather, instances should just do what they do with communities and users.

                  The host instance decides the number. Remote instances use that number followed by @instance. This already fits in with the federated model, as posts are always on the community’s local instance originally, and comments are always on the user’s local instance originally.

                  If you’re on and reply to a post in a community in, that post should be’s number, then your comment should be’s number, rather than each instance picking its own sequential number for both.

                  This kind of thing would probably be the easiest change to implement while requiring minimal server overhead.

                  For a specific example, to me, this post is In the original, federated instance, the post is Instead, it should appear to me as

                  Your comment, to me, is The federated link is This is the link you see, and should continue to see, but I should see

                  Using the instance in the numbering scheme means each federated host instance manages its own numbering while ensuring there will never be a clash between instances. and would refer to two completely different comments. This information is already being transmitted in the process of federation, so it’s just a matter of tagging the data when it’s received.

          • TehPers
            311 months ago

            They could just go with UUIDs. Assuming all servers choose actually random UUIDs, the probability of a collision is astronomically low. Even if a server tries to maliciously “claim” UUIDs, that server could be defederated from, and the number of UUIDs it’d be able to eat is similarly tiny in comparison.

            • TWeaK
              111 months ago

              Yeah, I mean the goal would be to link the IDs across all instances. Rather than having different numbers and running a calculation into a table that links the IDs, you could just have a table, or better yet just have the same ID.

              The issue probably lies in creation of new IDs. Different instances may have to be allocated a block of IDs, so that they can create new IDs without conflicting with any other instance.

              • Uranium3006
                110 months ago

                If youvwant that you’d be using public key cryptography and having the user hold a private key

              • TehPers
                111 months ago

                The idea behind UUIDs is that there are so many (128 bits) that you don’t need to worry about allocating blocks or anything. Each post gets a random UUID, that’s its ID, and it’s propagated along with the post so other instances can reuse that UUID.

                • db2
                  111 months ago

                  If each instance can have a unique prefix then there’s zero chance of collision.


                  If those first 8 are the prefix that’s room for over 4.2 billion unique instances, which is more than half the population of the whole planet. Do you think there’ll be that many?