Is everyone all caught up on season one? It’s free on YouTube (USA). I need to rewatch before the deadline. 🎉🎉

    • @CCatManOP
      21 year ago

      I keep seeing that one picture with the lower decks cross over and I don’t know how I feel anymore about it. I’m sure I’ll like it, but it’s getting a lot of attention. Lol

    31 year ago

    I am really excited for me. My wife was telling me that the Witcher Season 3 will come out soon, and I had to remind her of SNW season 2.

    • @CCatManOP
      31 year ago

      I didn’t even watch season 2 of the Witcher. I felt so lost after forgetting what happened in season one. 😭

  • I’ve been doing a rewatch of season 1 in anticipation. Just 3 episodes left,


    though I’m not looking forward to saying goodbye to Hemmer again.

    • @CCatManOP
      11 year ago

      Yeah, it was really a sad moment.

    21 year ago

    I only recently watched SNW so am good for remembering what happened, however I am stoked for season 2.

    I want some more wild Pike hair do action.

    • @CCatManOP
      31 year ago

      Yeah, we really need a credit nod to his hair. It sets the tone for every scene I see it.

    1 year ago

    I’m really looking forward to it. SNW is easily my favourite of the new series (at least when it comes to live action). I’ve managed to avoid trailers and things so am going into S2 pretty blind.

    Also I’m looking forward to being able to chat about the episodes here (and maybe Entertainment on the beehaw instance - I guess crosspost? Not sure how that’s done at the moment?)

    • @CCatManOP
      21 year ago

      Not sure if you can cross post, maybe ask around.

      Yeah, wonder if we have a spoiler tag here as well…

        21 year ago

        Test spoiler text

        Hopefully people will use spoiler tags. “:::” spoiler “:::”

        Could anyone put it in the sidebar to explain to new users how to use spoiler tags? Would be good to use at least for the very latest episode to give people a chance to watch it first

        Otherwise may need to avoid lemmy entirely or unsubscribe on new episode day (or just before) then subscribe again once I’ve watched.___

        • @CCatManOP
          11 year ago

          I don’t think tag is working, at least not getting the mobile app

  • Slashzero
    11 year ago

    Yup! Looking forward to it.

    For now I’m continuing my DS9 rewatch. Currently on season 6, episode 26: Tears of the Prophets … 😢

    11 year ago

    I found the dialogue to be difficult in season 1. I liked a lot about it, but the way the characters talked felt wrong to me. I watched it in spanish with english subtitles and it felt much better. Picard s03 was much better too. From the trailer it seems like SNW s02 is much better in this regard so i feel hopeful. I also how the crew are portrayed with more compassion. I was saddened by some instances in S01 where crew laughed at their crewmate’s misfortune.

    • @CCatManOP
      11 year ago

      Season one of the next generation you mean. The dialogue is ok, at least the main characters are not whispering the whole time.

        11 year ago

        no, I mean SNW. The dialogue is too much mumbling and sarcasm and informal. In a scenario where there will be a lot of diplomacy required and a lot of procedures and a large crew, with lots of different cultures, etc. the language needs to be a basic level of formality and respect.

        • @CCatManOP
          11 year ago

          Oh, right. I remember hating that the captain seemed like he couldn’t command and waited EVERYONE to weigh in on what to do.

          It’s like the writers wanted to give all the characters some dialogue.