Do any of you have any software you can recommend for removing unwanted audio tracks and subtitles? Some of my shows and movies have multiple, and the Roku app does not follow the users set default language, leading to it playing the wrong track when autoplaying.
I’ve tried unmanic, but its unfortunately too heavy for my server, just slows everything to a crawl.
mkvtoolnix and
handbrakeare pretty useful and powerful, you might try thoseIf you just want to remove audio and subtitle tracks, don’t use Handbrake. That will re-encode your video which will result in quality loss. Use MKVToolNix or FFmpeg to remux instead and only remove the tracks you don’t want.
Remuxing is also much faster and less cpu intensive than re-encoding.
Doesn’t handbrake has an option to not re-encode the video ? But yeah totally agree, it’s not worth it to re-encode everything just to remove audio tracks.
It didn’t when I last used it. But that was also years ago. The Handbrake devs were pretty adamant back then about not adding remuxing.
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MKVToolNix did look like it could do a good job with this, but I have a lot of files that aren’t mkv
I can’t check right now, but I’m pretty certain I’ve used MKVToolNix to remove unwanted audio files from an mp4 before. However, the result will always be remuxed to mkv.
I’ll give that a try, thanks.
I was avoiding writing an ffmpeg script to do this in a somewhat organized way, but it probably is the best option. I’ll look into it.
Maybe it’s possible to make it just part of the transcoding process so your source material can stay unadulterated?
Remuxing with unmanic / tdarr shouldn’t be a very intensive task. If your server can’t handle reading an writing to a disk you’ve got other issues.
My server doesn’t have any other performance problems, it handles transcoding for jellyfin great. Maybe I’ll just reach out in the unmanic discord to try to figure out why this is happening.
Tdarr will do this but if your server is struggling with unmanic then no solution will work well for you. I think possibly you might be doing more than just remuxing to remove audio and subs if it’s thrashing your server.
That’s what I’ve been thinking, but I don’t know how that could be happening. I only have a plugin to remove unwanted audio tracks and another to remove unwanted subs enabled. Despite this, whenever I start the container every other service on the server becomes unusable.
It’s especially confusing because the server can handle transcoding multiple streams on Jellyfin at the same time without a problem.
stupid question, but does your server have a video card or only the CPU’s (or SOC’s) built-in GPU?
If you do, you might want to make sure you’ve configured ffmpeg to use the hardware acceleration
Also, could be that unmanic is trying to reencode the files, which would eat up wayyyyyyyy more resources than necessary. It looks like the least overhead/performance hungry option will be to just run ffmpeg directly, so you know exactly what’s being done.
It does have a GPU and Jellyfin is set up to use it, but I might need to do some more work to get unmanic to use it since it’s in a container. I didn’t think it would need my GPU for this since it shouldn’t require transcoding.
ffmpeg is the swiss army knife of video and audio
right? I know the unix philosophy disagrees, bur goddamn is it so convenient and versatile.
plus overpowered CLI tools like ffmpeg are the definitive case where CLI is definitely preferable to GUI by almost every metric. Why go hunting through a labyrinth of dropdowns and dialog boxes when I could just search the man page and type a few characters.
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As others have suggested: MKVToolnix If that doesn’t work for you, losslesscut also has the capability to remove audio and video streams - subtitle streams hower, i dont know.
I would tend to use mkvtoolnix though
Any idea on why unmanic was not performing well? If it’s unrelated to ffmpeg, you could try tdarr.
ffmpeg is working fine for jellyfin, so I believe it’s unmanic. i’ll take a look at tdarr.