Tonight I am about to install endless os for my non technical partner. Do you think that is a good idea? Would you do the same?

    • @Carunga@feddit.deOP
      911 months ago

      Has been using Ubuntu for a while but kept destroying it. I aim at a stable base with modern applications.

        • @Carunga@feddit.deOP
          311 months ago

          Thanks for your suggestions. Silverblue might be a good idea. I am more in the Debian based camp but maybe it is time for a change. I think it gets major updates as often as fedora “normal”. This might not be ideal for us though.

            611 months ago

            If you like Debian, then just wait for Vanilla OS. The next big release (a open beta should be out soon) will switch from Ubuntu to Debian. I will switch instantly if there’s a KDE variant.

        • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
          111 months ago

          So, basically the same Fedora system, but with different DEs, right? If so, this may be exactly what I’ve been looking for.

          What does immutable mean with an OS? I’m not understanding how an OS can be unchangeable. Or is it talking only about the subsystem, because of Flatpak, where the userspace is mutable (with installations and files, etc), but the subsystem is protected from all unofficial change?

            311 months ago

            I don’t suppose you’re familiar with Docker? If you are, you know how you can’t really change a container other than through its persistent volumes (otherwise upon a restart all changes are lost)? The immutable images from Fedora as far as I understand are essentially OCI images, so if you think about it from a docker mindset it all starts to make sense very quickly since that is what they practically are.

            Or to put it more generally - imagine everything outside of your home folder is mounted as read-only. Flatpaks work great because they’re installed in your home folder under ~/.var so you can still install applications this way since your home folder is read/write.

            You kinda can install traditional packages using rpm-ostree which creates a layer on top of the system, but it’s best to avoid doing this if you can (and keep the amount of layered packages minimal).

            This also means that updates are easier to ship out, because the base system everyone runs is going to be the exact same, and untouched. If an update doesn’t work for one person, then it probably wouldn’t work for anyone running that “image”. Additionally, updates end up being atomic in that they either apply correctly or they don’t - you won’t end up in some weird middle state where your system has part of an update installed.

            Fedora’s immutable images are indeed the same Fedora system with different DEs. Silverblue is GNOME, Kinoite is KDE, etc. You can actually run one command to “rebase” from one image to another without any data loss too!

            • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
              211 months ago

              That’s awesome! (And mostly what I understood) Your Docker comparison was very helpful.

        211 months ago

        Then the distro doesn’t matter that much. You shouk go for either Snaps or Flatpaks for applications as they won’t break the system even if something catastrophic happens.

        Personally I’d go for distros with great deal of support (Pop, Fedora and Mint) and put Flathub as the main source in the respective app stores. Smaller distros tend to have more issues that requires some troubleshooting at times.

        Check how does she uses Ubuntu first though, if she’s using the Canonical’s additions to Gnome a lot, she’ll have a horrible time with vanilla Gnome as it’s pretty barebones, that’ll rule out any distro with vanilla Gnome such as Fedora. Trust me, you don’t want to be babysitting your partners computer.

        • @Carunga@feddit.deOP
          411 months ago

          Nice idea. I`d love to love nix but I think it is too involved for me. Maybe I have to try again but I need results tonight, so this might be for another time.

            211 months ago

            Yeah, it’s not hard, but definitely not my cup of tea.

            But if you want something nearly impossible to break you can’t beat immutable.

            Fedora silver…something works too.

  • db2
    1511 months ago

    It does not require an internet connection to use!

    It’s messed up that that’s a selling point.

        1111 months ago

        I think the point that is being made is that it’s sad that always-online situations are so common nowadays.

      • db2
        111 months ago

        “Comes with a subset of the internet built in” is very different from “does not require the internet to use”.

  • UnhappyCamper
    511 months ago

    I don’t know anthing about EndlessOS, but Zorin tends to be a good Windows substitute.

    411 months ago

    It’s worth a shot. Non-technical users are it’s target demographic.

    I would pick something immutable like this. Non-technical users aren’t going to get under the hood and tinker, like many Linux users do.

    • @Carunga@feddit.deOP
      511 months ago

      Turns out she needs a bit of proprietary software (pixum for photo books) that I could not install on EndlessOS. So I had to change course and installed pop os. So far I am pleasantly suprised. Even though I thought I would not like it, their take on GNOME makes sense to me. Tiling is fun.

        111 months ago

        Pop is great, my only complaint is their posterized stylized default backgrounds. It is their look, but might be a turnoff for some wanting a more polished pro look like ElementaryOS default.

    111 months ago

    I just trying Q4OS Aquarius KDE (I love KDE btw) with “Pure Profile” install yesterday, and I’ll say clearly that nothing can beats their minimalist approach on system as far as I distro hopping on many Linux. The satisfied feeling with start from really pure system is so pure joy…

    • @Carunga@feddit.deOP
      011 months ago

      Need Tod check that out. Never heard of it. I myself run KDE as part of the mighty garuda Linux. Pure is not the word I would use to describe garuda though.

        111 months ago

        Try it on VM. if you seeking slim minimalist linux with KDE out of the box, then Q4OS is the endgame. Garuda do too much custom for me, even debian vanilla with KDE is still bloat…