The flavor and the texture are so much better than those bitter dark chocolate bars.

  • Antik 👾
    11 months ago

    As a Belgian I consider myself a bit of an ambassador on chocolate and after discussing this with all my fellow countrymen we came to the unanimous conclusion that you are wrong. Please apologize and remove this post.

    • themeatbridge
      211 months ago

      I asked the Netherlanders what they thought of your comment, and I couldn’t understand a fucking word they said, but they seemed angry.

  • finn
    811 months ago

    Going off of the comments already, I would say that this is a truly unpopular opinion. Well done, OP!

    • Dylpickles
      011 months ago

      I’d honestly go a different direction with the burn like white chocolate is to chocolate what sweet potato chips are to potato chips.

      If we were to figure out where saltine crackers relate to potato chips in reference to chocolate or general sweets I’d say if potato chips are milk chocolate Hershey’s then saltine crackers are toffee.

            111 months ago

            Out of curiosity, how do you feel about carrots (cooked and uncooked separately), and melons like honeydew and cantaloupe?

            Asking because I dislike all of those (other than raw carrots) and wonder if it’s because they are all very high in vitamin A. I once overloaded from a single (extra strong) vitamin A supplement and wonder if I have some gene that increases my vitamin A intake or something.

      11 months ago

      Depends! If you consider chocolate to be food derived from the cocoa bean, then white chocolate is chocolate because it’s made of cocoa butter without the solids!

      The powdery stuff you call cocoa is what’s left over once you get rid of the cocoa butter. So if you feel that cocoa solids are required for something to be classified as chocolate… Then no, it’s not chocolate.

  • 1d420
    211 months ago

    If you prefer white chocolate to other kinds you just don’t like chocolate that much, which is fine, but don’t lie to us about it

  • Sev
    111 months ago

    Windows is better than linux

  • jordanlund
    111 months ago

    Let me try to change your mind…

    Take 2 pounds of cream cheese, float the foil packs in warm water for 10-15 min. Drop the cheese into a bowl with 1.5 cups of sugar and hit it with a mixer until it’s nice and smooth.

    Add 3/4 cup Dutch processed cocoa powder. Dutch processing reduces the acidity and makes it darker and smoother.

    5 eggs, 2 tablespoons of vanilla, then the secret ingredients, 1/4 cup of Grand Marnier and 2 teaspoons of orange extract.

    Mix all that up until it’s smooth again, then add an entire 10 oz. bag of miniature chocolate chips. Important you use mini chips because full size chips won’t melt all the way and leave a weird texture.

    Now, prep the pan, take a 9" springform pan and spray it with non-stick spray. Pop in 1/4 cup MORE Dutch processed cocoa powder and swirl it all around so it coats all the surfaces. This is going to bake into a dark chocolate crust.

    Pour in the batter and bake at 200°F for EIGHT HOURS. I put it in the oven, go to bed and set an alarm. In the morning, your whole house will smell like chocolate and oranges.

    Now, the worst part, it has to chill. You can’t just eat it, it’s pudding right now. So step 1, let it sit on a wire rack until it’s room temp. 2 to 4 hours.

    Put a plate on top, flip it over, and remove the springform pan. Put the cake in the refrigerator and chill another 2 to 4 hours.

    When the cake is chilled, put another plate on top, flip it right side up, decorate, slice, and serve. I like topping it with some little candied oranges.

    • Edgedancer_Knight
      111 months ago

      Don’t do this if you dislike the orange/chocolate combination. I really dislike that, I don’t know why. I don’t like dark chocolate, prefer milk chocolate, but I like oranges. Putting them together will make me throw it away.

      But it looks like a good recipe for those who do like the combo!

  • blanketswithsmallpox
    111 months ago

    Milk Chocolate > White Chocolate > Dark Chocolate.

    Milk chocolate is the best of chocolates when there are no extra additives on it’s own.

    Dark Chocolate as much as I hate it, IS better than white chocolate on it’s own.

    White chocolate without any sort of flavor enhancers is just so damn bland. However, it’s just like eating salt on it’s own. Gross by itself, but delicious with something else to go with it. White chocolate is a catalyst. Milk Chocolate is a treat. Dark Chocolate goes in the trash. I’ll begrudgingly eat it if I have no other better chocolate around lol.

    The only people I’ve ever seen like dark chocolate are people who hate themselves, take scalding hot showers with the heat of a thousand suns, and enjoy starting their day with black coffee. AKA, people who had no self esteem as a teenager until they forced adult habits on themselves before they were ready rather than admitting they like ‘childish’ stuff. Cultural masculinity is so weird.

  • Dr. Coomer
    110 months ago

    I actually agree with you. Chocolate is great, but you never know heaven till you had white chocolate.

    3 months ago

    Shite chocolate isn’t chocolate. Edit I meant white chocolate but theres not much of a difference from my pov

    Change my mind.

    What you like is sugar and cocoa fat mixed together.

      411 months ago

      True. In fact all chocolate is for children. Real adults appreciate the complex flavors and harsh bitterness of dirt which reminds them of their bitter and complex adult selves.