• @StrayCatFrump@slrpnk.net
    11 months ago

    This guy is a pretty hopeless liberal. While he’s absolutely obsessed with a certain brand of conservative—and particularly how they behave on the Internet and other public patforms—he identifies himself as part of the status quo of the Democratic Party (you can see this all the time when he uses the word “we”). In particular, he attributes a lot of shit to Democrats without introspection, like assuming they are always honest and well-intentioned.

    Like, how would he tell you Democrats are behaving about the concentration camps literally being run within the U.S., now under the direct control of the Democratic administration of Joe “Take Back The Streets” Biden? Would he take a moment of thought and then eat his hat and acknowledge that they’re pulling exactly the same behavior that he’s describing here for Republicans? The militarization of the police? The continued warmongering, and support of fascists abroad (e.g. Israel)?

    This is not leftist material. It’s just a part of fearmongering about Republicans in order to get people to accept and wholeheartedly support the fascists under the other brand name of the U.S. uniparty, and never look a single millimeter beyond. Get this shit off BreadTube. Seriously. We can do MUCH better.

    • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
      311 months ago

      Not disagreeing with you. But to transition people from conservative to liberal, and liberal to leftist, we have to spoon feed. If we only post Parenti and Lenin speeches, they get defensive and turn away. It’s a process. Breadtube does need content, so feel free to post your own or make suggestions.

      • @StrayCatFrump@slrpnk.net
        11 months ago

        to transition people from conservative to liberal, and liberal to leftist, we have to spoon feed.

        Not true. People don’t undergo ideological shifts simply from running into and watching some online video. They do so after real life experiences that affect them materially. For example, they are fired in a clearly unjust fashion by a boss, violently attacked, arrested, helped by a mutual aid project, etc. And then they are ready to learn whether it’s in a dribble or a flood.

        Also, it is false that conservative liberals need to go through some progressive liberal phase before becoming leftists. If anything, becoming a progressive liberal tends to stick them right there, trusting institutions of capital and state, and that’s the end. I think you’ve been listening far too much to streamers like the guy in the OP on things like this.

        • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Some do. I did. Maybe not most. But some. And that’s more than none. What’s the harm in trying? We need more Marxist content. Not me though. You don’t wanna see my ugly mug on video. Innuendo Studios was an integral part of my journey left. Are you saying that didn’t happen?

    • @redpen@lemmy.worldOPM
      111 months ago

      Thanks for the feedback. I don’t know much about the creator, but I’ll take a look at some of their other content.

      • @StrayCatFrump@slrpnk.net
        11 months ago

        Sure thing! I think his content is promoted as kind of a “baby’s first glance at woke politics,” type of deal. But it actually serves to draw people back into Blue Wave type of shit, which just perpetuates our cycles of reactionary right-wing politics. It’s like a new generation of the Democratic Party serving to limit the range of left-wing discourse to stuff that’s not even really leftist, but just not as explicitly reactionary (i.e. “The Democratic Party is where liberation movements go to die”).

    • @Zozano@lemmy.world
      011 months ago

      A friend recommended this to me, a few years back.

      It was incredibly annoying to hear this guy either making blanket statements about the alt-rights intentions, strawmanning, mind-reading or just outright infer correlations because it seems obvious to him.

      Some of it is evidently true, but a lot of the rationality and evidence leading to those facts is not sufficient enough for me to accept his claims.

      • @StrayCatFrump@slrpnk.net
        11 months ago

        Yeah. He does a lot of THEY do this; “WE” absolutely do not, with quite the definition of “we”. As you say, a lot of the first part of that is pretty self-evident—so self-evident that lecturing people about it in a video seems rather patronizing, and perhaps even in the masturbatory “look how great we are for repeating this shit about THEM every other sentence,” range of MSNBC-style content. Whereas the second part of it serves to obfuscate the sewage that comes out of liberal politics outside of the explicit, alt-right, clown world aesthetic sphere.