I’m happy we get a switch release of Fire Emblem (7) on Nintendo switch online. It was my first Fire Emblem i have every played and not sure, maybe the game i played the most (or it is sacred stones). I just took this game out of the gaming section in my video games store, a completly random pic, just thought it looks good. At home i couldn’t stop playing it. I have a lot nostalgia for this game and i wasn’t aware at that point that is was the first Fire Emblem outside of japan. So how did you get into the series and which was your first game?

  • JonDorfman@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    My first FE was Shadow Dragon. Played the demo that was distributed through the Nintendo Channel and immediately begged for it for my birthday. I really enjoyed the game, but was never able to finish it. Being pretty fresh to SRPGs and not wanting to lose any units really bogged down that first playthrough and I never picked it back up. Of course I, being the genius I was, decided to play the other classic style FEs as soon as I learned about them and promptly gave them the same treatment. I would like to go back and beat them some time, but at this point they seem to be cursed to languish in the purgatory that is my gaming backlog.