Sorry if this is not the right sub to be posting this question.

I’m experiencing weird refreshing behavior when browsing posts. I could be in the middle of looking at a picture or reading a post in the list and all of a sudden the page moves all over the place, and refreshes with new posts. If I had expanded picture, it closes the picture and resorts that post somewhere else in the list. It’s almost behaving like live update sorting in Reddit comments. It’s very jarring. More recently I had tapped on a post to read it further, started to write a reply, and the refresh happened on the post and the text I was typing was still in the reply box, but it was to some other post.

  • Rhaedas
    41 year ago

    The next update to version .18 should fix it. It’s been reported to be in testing now.

    • @hemmesOP
      21 year ago

      Great to hear, thank you

    • @hemmesOP
      11 year ago

      I see. Yeah, I’m used to Apollo of course, loading only as needed.