Is there any way to go back to the old icon? I’ve been trying to figure out a way to hack it into place, and I’m sure I can with enough time, but it would be nice if there is just a switch somewhere in settings that I’m missing.

    • @captsneezeOP
      311 months ago

      This worked great! I found the old icon in one of the earlier releases in the GitHub history and was able to fix my “problem” using the shortcut at this link. Much appreciated.

    • @captsneezeOP
      211 months ago

      Thanks, I’ll check this out tonight!

  • Lunch
    311 months ago

    If you’re on android you can, if you’re talking about the ‘home screen’ icon?

    • @captsneezeOP
      111 months ago

      That is my hope as well. I’ll say that the new icon is not to my taste, though I respect that someone worked on it and some people like it. It was, after all, selected by vote (though, I don’t think “keep the original” was an option). I personally find the original to be more exciting and modern. An option for the user to select their choice would be a good way of making everyone happy. If the dev can track those selections, it would also be a good way of knowing what people actually care for.