Some U.S. officials are frustrated at the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which has gained less than 100 square miles of territory.

    2 years ago

    Ukraine: we need tanks/armor!
    West: hmm, no that would be too provocative.
    months later, as Russia digs trenches and lays mines
    West: ok, ok, here are some tanks
    Ukraine: Great, can we get better ammunition?
    West: What?! No, yeesh.
    months of mines and trenches later
    West: Ok here are cluster munitions
    Ukraine: thank you. None of this really works without air support though so…
    West: What is your deal?
    mine, mine, mine, trench trench
    West: Ok maybe some F16s.

    West: yo, what’s taking so long?
    Ukraine: I’m sorry? I can’t hear you over ALL THE FUCKING MINES