

Those Russian soldiers are really poor guys - they were in trenches 5 days without food and water. They haven’t washed for month. They are in Ukrainian captivity right now where good conditions are waiting for them.

Ці російські солдати справді бідні хлопці – вони 5 днів сиділи в окопах без їжі та води. Місяць не милися. Зараз вони в українському полоні, де на них чекають хороші умови.

Эти бойцы ВС РФ действительно бедные ребята – они 5 дней сидели в окопах без еды и воды. Месяц не мылись. Сейчас они в украинском плену, где их ждут хорошие условия.

  • Delta_V@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I wonder if this is the reason Russia is suddenly so interested in getting their PoW’s back that were captured in Kursk? Were those the fortunate sons of the politically well-connected? Could there be a serious psychological threat if the political elite learn just how much better life could be if they got rid of Putin?

    • partial_accumen@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Were those the fortunate sons of the politically well-connected?

      They were likely conscripts (not legally deployable in Ukraine, but are in Russia), so entirely possibly they were sons of middle class or politically connected Russians from St Petersburg or Moscow.