I’m used to browsing the web on Firefox with ad blocking - works great. My experience of Safari with AdBlock Pro is much less good - many websites block access unless it’s disabled. I also used to have good results with Firefox on Android. Does anyone have better suggestions? Many thanks!
I use AdGuard on my iPhone and iPads. I have not run into many if any sites that keep me from accessing them with AdGuard enabled.
When I used Adblock it had an option to access sites that blocked adblockers.
I haven’t ever had trouble with AdGuard.
1blocker or Adguard (I had more success with 1blocker). NextDNS for blocking trackers.
Edit: 1Blocker also blocks trackers.
Use a dns blocker from mullvad. It installs a profile on your phone so everything is filtered, not just your activities on your browser.
Just use DNS blocking and a
file. It’s easier to block everything system-wide than trying finagle a bunch of browser plug-ins, especially on iOS.Thanks - is there a DNS blocking app you recommend?
I don’t use an app, I use a
profile to load a TLS DNS resolver system-wide. I run my own DNS resolver that blocks pretty much everything I want it to, but there are tons of services out there.You can basically just take any example from this repository and modify it to work with your preferred resolver.
Adguard with native NextDNS config. Havent touch anything else since i set it up.
I have the following installed: AdBlock, AdBlock Pro, Amplosion (Google Amp rather than ads), Banish, Magic Lasso, Vinegar. Not an adblocker, but I also recommend Stop the Madness.
1Blocker works well
Adguard for me as well
I use KaBlock! and Hush Nag Blocker. So far I haven’t had any issues with ads.
firefox clear is available on iOS. it is possible to enable it as safari extension for ad blocking.
Adguard DNS + Adguard Pro Safari extension. No need for other browsers. Works better than anything I tested. Honourable mention to Brave browser.