• afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Most Junk yards require no serious power outside of lighting AND who says there’s not three phase on the pole already, even industrial power has to get from point A to point B AND your own assumptions bite you in the backside, IF YOU DON’T HAVE ZONING, they’d have to put three phase everywhere because you don’t know where someone might need it. That’ll make power costs a few times more expensive. For the record, “residential stuff” isn’t shit, it’s just 2/3 of the nominal commercial stuff. If you pick up the third phase and use a different transformer you’ve got three phase 208v assuming the current network isn’t already oversubscribed. If you wanted to upgrade house service to run a car crusher, that’s just a new transformer and service line. When I built my house, I could have had three phase for another 10k.

    208V 3-phase is shit. I know you don’t know what you are talking about now. You never get true 208 it is always always closer to 200. Which means hotter motors, more faults, more problems, less lifespan. And come summer when everyone is running the ACs your motor is running at 195V and about to melt. 4 incidents alone this month and this month is just starting. 4 separate customers called up because their motor is running hot. 3 of them on 208, the other one are Arizona idiots.

    You’re a plant engineer. Not a civil architect. You’re not educated sufficiently to design or build large scale distribution and delivery systems and honestly you have almost no idea how any of that works outside of your plant even though you’ve “been places” and “built things” You are insufficiently trained to comment on the necessity or apparently even the uses of zoning.

    Not a fucking plant engineer. Controls. Hundreds of sites all across the planet. Industrial, sewage, scrubbers, recycling, garbage, conveyors for waste, plus RO, and food. Let me guess, you got a P.E. you know one of those water damage inspection certificates. Maybe learn that there is more to engineering than recycling an old spec made by a better mind in the 80s and punching stuff into excel. Yeah I got your number, I know exactly what people like you are about. What towns have you been conning for years?

    When you properly employ zoning.

    And unicorns would probably eat grass.

    It keeps greedy companies from installing toxic, putrid and noisy things right next to residential areas because a company doesn’t give any fucks about your property value or making you or your children sick. The don’t care about ground water or runoff.

    Odor scrubbers, deeper wetwells, burn off, environmental surveys, DEP. Yeah we don’t care. Sure buddy. I have designed well over a 100 scrubbers but we don’t care about what goes in the air. Scrubbing everything from porcelain dust, to partial solvent recovery, to boron, to sulfur (of course), to freaken coffee beans roasting fumes, to sawdust, to chorine.

    Here is what you don’t get, guess they don’t teach this stuff at your CEUs, everyone is subcontracting to everyone else. Eventually it gets to the few engineers who do the real work, not the ones that have meetings. Or lie about doing site surveys.

    Zoning is as full of it as you are. Why don’t you call me a plant engineer again and that will convince me. Enjoy your shit 208 volts don’t call me when your motor dies. Not that you would actually call me, you are off conning another town. It is the plant operators who call me.