Here’s a pro tip from a German: To make everyone forget about your colonial past and the atrocities you commited in your colonies, you just have to commit even bigger atrocities.
Or you just deny it ever happened/was a problem.
Seems to be working out for China.
Nah, European colonialism in China is pretty well remembered.
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Western powers carved up and subjugated China for around a century, and they were finally kicked out by the communists
Can we please stop referring to China as communist? It was only ever communist in name. Just like Nazis were only ever socialist in name.
Maybe learn a bit about China before making ignorant statements like this. Here’s a book you could read and maybe learn something about the subject you’re opining on
edit: I love how a lot of westerners made hating China their identity without learning a first thing about it, I guess it’s easier to swallow having to live in capitalist hell if you believe that nothing better is possible
Es hilft auch, wenn dir alle Kolonien weggenommen werden und der Nachfolger noch schlimmer mit den einheimischen umgeht.
Was war denn im heutigen Namibia nach der deutschen Kolonialzeit schlimmer als der Völkermord an den Herero und Nama?
Schlimmer ist immer so ne Sache und sehr subjektiv. Das es danach aber immernoch nicht gut war würde ich aber schon behaupten. Namibia würde unter das Mandat Südafrikas gestellt, welches es dann prompt annektierte und dort auch das brutale Apartheid Regime einführte.
Das führte zu einen blutigen jahrzehntelangem Unabhängigkeitskrieg welcher erst 1990 mit der vollständigen Unabhängigkeit aufhörteJa, war auch definitiv nicht mein Anliegen, da verschiedenes Leid gegeneinander aufzuwiegen. Wollte eigentlich einer Relativierung à la “die danach waren noch schlimmer, also was solls” vorbeugen. Aber bin wahrscheinlich etwas übers Ziel rausgeschossen und hab das gleiche in die andere Richtung gemacht.
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Well this sure sounds like y’all are up to something new… That can’t be good
A sequel has been long overdue
Am I the only one who thinks that at least some resemblance to actual history should be reflected in these memes?
Which one doesn’t work?
Spanish. Holocaust pales in comparison.
Why be historically accurate when you can play off of stereotypes?
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You don’t genocide before you get paid, that would just be dumb.
Belgium one made me laugh but the history of it is absolutely depressing.
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Alternatively, sweat all of it
Yeah, that makes it ok for the Belgians to have dine it, too! Because clearly “they did it to each other first” is all you need for justifying your horrible crimes against humanity!
Because this is definitely not the fastest way to get history to repeat itself … Dipshit.
Yeah I’m gonna need sauce for the French…
Sad to say the sauce isn’t what you’d expect:
Been down that rabbit hole in the past. Can confirm.
What is this? It almost looks kinky
Unfortunately, it’s just a one-off.
I actually wanted the sauce too in the past, but unfortunately there are no video :(
Well that explains why all Spanish colonies end up corrupt. They were all “corrupted” early on that colonization period.
Maybe you need to read something about Spanish colonisation.
Can you recommend something ? I’m not very literate on the subject myself
The primary Spanish sources are pretty explicit about their behaviour, other than the lies about the nature of the natives. They tended to keep meticulous records.
Ok, thanks
Read about their 300+ years colonization of the Philippines.
Doesn’t this post need the NSFW tag ?
I’ve noticed the nsfw tag being basically ignored/abused
On one meme it’ll have the tag and there won’t be anything even remotely sexual but then the next meme is a naked girl hiding behind something that just covers her tits and it’s not tagged at all
Is there a way for anyone to report it as NSFW ?
Idk what app your using but on Jerboa you can report a post and type in why you’re reporting it.
Well, I don’t think this post need a NSFW tag (there is no nudity on it) but if It bothers you to see a woman with little clothing, i’ll put the tag.
I don’t mean to be “that guy”, but she is basically naked except for a piece of string. But I appreciate that you added the tag anyways
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Brb omw to Spain and their colonies
Just be sure to get your smallpox vaccine…
Even the Spaniard’s helmet looks like a bellend
Historically it’s actually the French who have been known for having had much sexual relations with trafficked women.
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Wtf? I’m subbed to hisyorymemes now?
Nah, you’re probably just browsing ALL…?
The idea of my comment was that this post was so good that I, someone with no prior interest in history memes, immediately had to subscribe. Clearly this was not effectively communicated on my part.
No, I think you’re good. I was just late in the evening here when I replied, so I was a bit tired and didn’t catch the true meaning of your comment.
Edit: Also, is your username a reference to the band Fantomas?
This is degrading to native women and peoples.
Aren’t we forgetting about Portugal? The spanish can’t hold a candle to the portuguese when it comes to “getting to know” other peoples. In the biblical sense.