Telegram, an essential communication tool for millions, finds itself under scrutiny once again. Copyright holders have long expressed concerns about the lack of enforcement on the platform, and recent actions suggest Telegram is responding. Subscribers to Z-Library’s popular channel recently noticed that several of the shadow library’s messages have been removed “due to copyright infringement.”
When will people start using Signal or Matrix for this? Signal supports public, encrypted chat rooms and so does Matrix.
you’re on a piracy community but you’re licensing your comments?
if you don’t respect other’s licences, why should they respect yours?
Not gonna lie… That little link is funny to me.
On the face of it, I appreciate that it looks funny, but the power dynamics are quite different. If I’m caught pirating, my ass could land in jail. If a company is caught pirating, it’s written off a business expense.
Would you find it as ridiculous if a slave whipped their owner? If the poor stole from the rich? If the weak took power from the powerful?
None of those examples have any relation to the ignorance of these licensing links.
What “ignorance”? The licensing link is added manually. I’ve read it.
Also what’s the point of being anti-ai when you’re already anti-cpyright?
The issue isn’t generative AI, its capitalism. The AI just makes capitalism’s bad parts more efficient, or is at least supposed to.
I don’t believe you want a genuine answer. You’ve already made a decision, so no matter what I say, you won’t agree with it 🤷 There’s no need to continue.
Well that’s an assumption…
Almost as if context matters, huh? 🤷
They don’t make money out of copyright and are a person not corporation.
In my private ethical code this is valid.
What’s wrong with trying to prevent companies scrape your data? How is that antithetical to piracy?
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Not if I think about it for longer than a second. Anti-AI licensing is aimed at corporations. Piracy is done for individuals getting a product.
Exactly this.
@onlinepersona I think I might start using Signal as well today.
Welcome, comrade.
Matrix sucks, it always loses some chat messages when the client is closed and sometimes it says something like “hey dude something is wrong with your session, log out and use your security key to get access again and don’t lose everything”.
[Sincere] Would you like solutions to this or would you prefer not to use it?
Which client are you using and when was the last time you used it? I haven’t had those issues in about 3 years on Element.
Not who you replied to, but I’ve experienced it on both vanilla Element and on Schildichat over and over, as well as repeated logouts that require signin approval from one of my other active sessions.
That are on devices on different floors of the house, or even in different parts of the city.
Shit’s jankey as hell.
Very weird… I’ve had the same clients (Element) for years and haven’t been logged out once. Just out of curiosity, do you switch between the clients (Element on one computer, Schildichat on another)? That could be the problem.
I’ve been using a self hosted server for 5+ years now without any issue. I’m not in many huge rooms and mainly use it for 1:1 chats but its been solid for me.
I wouldn’t recommend Signal for privacy. It has quite a few concerning issues. There are some good alternatives however. I think Briar is good if privacy is your chief concern. Sam Bent compared some of the other alternatives in this video.
Why anyone’s still using Telegram is beyond me…
It has a shiny chat interface and that’s all people care about 🤷
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Everyone uses WhatsApp these days.
How is that any better? It’s owned by fucking Facebook
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Mostly cause the satisfying functionality/usability and least laziness to move on to another platform. Also I am subscribed to many news, software and dev channels on Telegram so I just sticked with it. Also I use AdGuard on my phone and I never saw ads in my Telegram; was shocked seeing ads pop up in my friends Telegram though. But off topic here, I think Z Library’s channel being on Telegram was not a good idea, Matrix would have been a way more robust option. But there is worse: pirate servers run on Discord, like seriously… why…
Furries and their sticker packs.
shocked pikachu face
Imagine using a messenger without meaningful end-to-end encryption and expecting privacy and no moderation forever.
Fuck it’s starting
Next time use matrix.