It takes a village

    • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
      4 months ago

      The capitalists don’t want you to know this but they actually are. I volunteer with an international peace education organisation that creates little month long communes that teach kids from 8-10 countries about diversity and intercultural communication and cooperation and all that shit, and they’re just the best. I can work twenty eight 16+ hour days on the trot teaching and looking after the little shits and still feel good afterwards, when usually I can barely make it through a 40 hour week, almost entirely because the communal nature offloads so many of the tedious little tasks of atomised life. Something as simple as having someone else always in charge of makings meals frees up so much mental capacity.

      Society should be centrally organised around creating communes of 50-100 people that work together towards a single project, with options to move around if you fancy working with new people. Childcare communes, steelwork communes, farming communes, IT support communes, all communes, all the time.