I went to install gsam battery monitor on a new phone and it looks like it has been delisted recently.
Does anyone has more info on that? It was a staple on my phones since almost a decade…
Any alternative that shows a graph with rate of charge/discharge?
Android has this feature natively. Just go to settings > battery > battery usage
Ye, the native stuff has nothing on what apps like GSAM show, and doesn’t let you set a custom start point.
I use GSam with a start point of “now” which on my phone is weeks ago. So I get a better perspective of what’s using battery.
Or if I’m troubleshooting, I set it to “since last full charge” and watch what’s happening today, in pretty granular detail.
but on android < 15 it resets as soon as you plug the charger, so it’s not as useful which app drained the battery during the day. Plus it’s buried in the settings. (with a decent launcher it’s possible to have a shortcut)
On android > 14 is a good enough replacement, though
Does anyone has more info on that? It was a staple on my phones since almost a decade…
I’ve had a few apps disappear, and I assume either the app is very outdated / incompatible, or the developer pulled it. If you remember the developer, you could follow up and see what they say?
the dev has no online presence, but they updated the app one year ago to add android 13 support
it seems the whole dev profile is gone, maybe they felt the new google verification was a hassle
Sucks, I recently just noticed one of my most used apps SMBSync2 got yoinked but thankfully have it installed still, but I also noticed that APKmirror doesn’t even have a copy of it like it does for GSAM :/
Ayyy, I backed it up already just in case 👌
At least that app was foss so the source and build is still available on GitHub
Probably the dev was annoyed of the forced change for scoped storage which for a syncing app is almost a complete rewrite
It’s silly, and they’re nuking devs apps to make them update for the sake of “being active” even thou their app is still like Ronseal and does what it says on the tin, even after all these years and works just fine.
Might look like Gingerbread but I don’t give a fugg since I don’t even look at it and love that app.
Hell, I prefer that UI. It works, it’s info dense. Unlike newer stuff where there’s less and less info on a screen with a lot more white space (I’m looking at you FolderSync).
Indeed, and is something that not only irks me with newer apps like you say but is also something we have at work with all the HMI / touchscreens.
They’re just now icons with no labels or anything so trying to figure out what some of them do is a game of guesswork 🤬
Have you checked Apk Mirror or Apk Pure?
I keep a copy of the apk for all my apps, using something like APK Extractor - it extracts to a specific folder, and I sync that folder to my desktop using Syncthing. I haven’t installed GSam from the store in years.
You can also try Better Battery Stats.
Looks like APK Mirror has v3.4.6 here
I’ve uploaded a zip with a few versions in it to file.io
main issue is that i purchased the pro, and there’s only the free over there… wait! I can take the apk from the old phone before I wipe it! OMG why i didn’t thought of that, i’m dumb. (no sarcasm, I actually forgot to take the apk from the old phone and i was about to wipe it! Thank you for mentioning that!)
edit: fuck… on android 15 the app crashes when going in background… so it’s the dev that intentionally delisted for everyone as low sales = patch not worth the time 😢
I don’t recall if pro needs a connection to Play to validate the license.
Yea, moving APKs around can be tricky. Sometimes an older version just won’t work.
I just tried the v3.4.6 on Android 13 (Lineage, don’t have 15 yet). Worked fine.
No it shouldn’t validate the license, at the time I purchased it using a Google workspace legacy account and when they raised the prices I deleted the account and it didn’t complain
Put the apk on an old android 8 phone and doesn’t crash. One day I’ll try to inspect logcat to see if it’s something that can be fixed