PS The rest of Bluey S3 is coming to Disney+ July 12th!

    2 年前

    Our kid is 2 1/2 and the best advice I can give (if you live in the US) is to download the PBS kids app. As you can imagine I’m concerned what shows my kid is exposed to and the stuff on PBS kids is great. Some of the stuff like Arthur seems to be targeted at kids a little older but shows like Daniel Tiger and Sesame Street are great. It’s really awesome watching your kid sing along to some of the tunes. I’ve basically come to the conclusion that as long as it’s on the PBS kids app that it’s good to go.

    Other shows I’ve shown him off the app are the OG Thomas the Tank episodes and Peppa Pig, both of which I love too.

    I don’t know anything about Bluey but it seems to be pretty popular with parents so I’m sure that’s a good choice too.