• raynethackery@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    You can’t watch Foundation with any expectation of it matching the books. I said I wouldn’t watch it but I broke down after I finished For All Mankind. The only thing that really bothered me is Gaal being so hysterical. Chill the fuck out girl.

    • I wasn’t expecting it to. The visuals were stunning, and the actors were good, but the writing was atrocious, the plot devices annoying, and all of the characters were uniformly unlikeable - especially the main ones. Gaal wasn’t the only one; maybe just the most extreme.

      I forced myself to watch almost the entire first season, but rage quit when it got to the point when I spent entire episodes wanting to shout at the characters to stop bring so stupid.

      It wasn’t a bad adaptation, because the only thing it shared with the books were some names; I was expecting that. It was a bad show, with awful writers, and that I couldn’t stand.

        • What bugs me the most is that in Foundation, the plots often involved smart people being outsmarted by smarter people. In the show, people cause their own failures through their stupidity. There’s no intellectualism in the show; it’s action and people reacting, often poorly just as a lot device. I can’t stand characters being stupid just to further a plot.

          Grrrr. And it was so beautiful. So. Frustrating.