Hi all,
I’m currently using Zorin OS, but I’d like to perhaps explore other Linux distributions. Is it possible to dual-boot another distro, and then if I’m satisfied and after having installed all the apps I need, to erase my Zorin OS partition and only use the other, new distro?
i’ve found that lots of distros do not behave well with mutiple boot scenarios and will overwrite the boot information for existing installs
Using a third-party boot manager like rEFInd helps to bridge the gap with dubious motherboards that don’t implement the UEFI spec right. Just make sure all the installed distros have their own ESP, then you can get into whatever distro’s GRUB via rEFInd. And it’s pretty.
The issue is usually around fighting for the same ESP, and not all distro’s GRUB finding the other distros, and made worse by some UEFI firmwares not offering all available EFI applications as bootable so you end up stuck with the wrong GRUB.
If you use refind why bother with grub? Isn’t it superfluous?