Day 5: Print Queue

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    3 months ago


    This is a problem where J’s biases lead one to a very different solution from most of the others. The natural representation of a directed graph in J is an adjacency matrix, and sorting is specified in terms of a permutation to apply rather than in terms of a comparator: x /: y (respectively x \: y) determines the permutation that would put y in ascending (descending) order, then applies that permutation to x.

    data_file_name =: ''
    lines =: cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. manuals start with the first line where the index of a comma is < 5
    start_of_manuals =: 1 i.~ 5 > ',' i.~"1 > lines
    NB. ". can't parse the | so replace it with a space
    edges =: ". (' ' & (2}))"1 > start_of_manuals {. lines
    NB. don't unbox and parse yet because they aren't all the same length
    manuals =: start_of_manuals }. lines
    max_page =: >./ , edges
    NB. adjacency matrix of the page partial ordering; e.i. makes identity matrix
    adjacency =: 1 (< edges)} e. i. >: max_page
    NB. ordered line is true if line is ordered according to the adjacency matrix
    ordered =: monad define
       pages =. ". > y
       NB. index pairs 0 <: i < j < n; box and raze to avoid array fill
       page_pairs =. ; (< @: (,~"0 i.)"0) i. # pages
       */ adjacency {~ <"1 pages {~ page_pairs
    midpoint =: ({~ (<. @: -: @: #)) @: ". @: >
    result1 =: +/ (ordered"0 * midpoint"0) manuals
    NB. toposort line yields the pages of line topologically sorted by adjacency
    NB. this is *not* a general topological sort but works for our restricted case:
    NB. we know that each individual manual will be totally ordered
    toposort =: monad define
       pages =. ". > y
       NB. for each page, count the pages which come after it, then sort descending
       pages \: +/"1 adjacency {~ <"1 pages ,"0/ pages
    NB. midpoint2 doesn't parse, but does remove trailing zeroes
    midpoint2 =: ({~ (<. @: -: @: #)) @: ({.~ (i. & 0))
    result2 =: +/ (1 - ordered"0 manuals) * midpoint2"1 toposort"0 manuals