Day 8: Resonant Collinearity
Megathread guidelines
- Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
- You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL
- What is this?: Here is a post with a large amount of details:
- Where do I participate?:
- Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
sub MAIN($input) { my $file = open $input; my @map = $file.slurp.lines>>.comb>>.List.List; my %freqs; for 0..^@map.elems -> $row { for 0..^@map[0].elems -> $col { if @map[$row; $col] ne "." { my $freq = @map[$row; $col]; %freqs{$freq} = [] if %freqs{$freq}:!exists; %freqs{$freq}.push(($row, $col)); } } } my %antinodes is SetHash; for %freqs.kv -> $freq, @locations { for (0..^@locations.elems) X (0..^@locations.elems) -> ($loc1, $loc2) { next if $loc1 == $loc2; my @base = @locations[$loc1].List; my @vector = @locations[$loc2].List Z- @base; my @antinode1 = @base Z+* * 2); %antinodes{@antinode1.List.raku}++ if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode1); my @antinode2 = @base Z+* * -1); %antinodes{@antinode2.List.raku}++ if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode2); } } my $part1-solution = %antinodes.elems; say "part 1: $part1-solution"; my %antinodes2 is SetHash; for %freqs.kv -> $freq, @locations { for (0..^@locations.elems) X (0..^@locations.elems) -> ($loc1, $loc2) { next if $loc1 == $loc2; my @base = @locations[$loc1].List; my @vector = @locations[$loc2].List Z- @base; # make integer unit-ish vector for 2..@vector[0] -> $divisor { if @vector[0] %% $divisor and @vector[1] %% $divisor { @vector[0] = @vector[0] div $divisor; @vector[1] = @vector[1] div $divisor; } } for 0..max(@map.elems, @map[0].elems) -> $length { my @antinode = @base Z+* * $length); if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode) { %antinodes2{@antinode.List.raku}++ } else { last } } for 1..max(@map.elems, @map[0].elems) -> $length { my @antinode = @base Z+* * -$length); if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode) { %antinodes2{@antinode.List.raku}++ } else { last } } } } my $part2-solution = %antinodes2.elems; say "part 2: $part2-solution"; } sub point-is-in-map(@map, @point) { return False if !(0 <= @point[0] < @map.elems); return False if !(0 <= @point[1] < @map[0].elems); return True; }