It’s the same reason you never see Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus in the same room…
I’ve seen them beat the wives and children of white supremacists.
Like, at home? Outside of work hours?
40% that self reported. The other 60% knew to keep their mouths shut.
You’ll never see Superman saving Clark Kent either.
If you hit a co-worker, someone’s getting an email…
I have seen
Greetings from Germany
Looks like it’s time for a new trade deal with Germany! We need to increase our import of German police!
Never seen police beating a clearly wealthy person.
Contrary to Fight Club it’s nearly impossible to beat the shit out of yourself.
Or CEOs… Or board members
I’ve never seen police beating anyone
Why is that?
Oh yes, I don’t live in a third world shitehole
They’re not gonna beat their own
Selection bias. That’s why.
Guess which is these groups poses more danger to the officers…
They only beat themselves in private.
I mean, how would you know? Those other groups are easier to distinguish.